Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Foreword / Paula Richman
  • An introduction to the literature of the Mahābhārata / Nell Shapiro Hawley and Sohini Sarah Pillai
  • Part I. The manyness of the Sanskrit Mahābhārata. Ā Garbhāt : murderous rage and collective punishment as thematic elements in Vyāsa's Mahābhārata / Robert Goldman
  • The invention of Irāvan / David Gitomer
  • Bodies that don't matter : gender, body, and discourse in the narrative of Sulabhā / Sally J. Sutherland Goldman
  • Part II. Sanskrit Mahābhāratas in poetry and performance. The remembered self : Arjuna as Bṛhannalā in the Pañcarātra / Nell Shapiro Hawley
  • The lord of glory and the lord of men : power and partiality in Māgha's Śiśupālavadha / Lawrence McCrea
  • What are the goals of life? The Vidūṣaka's interpretation of the Puruṣārthas in Kulaśekhara's Subhadrādhanañjaya / Sudha Gopalakrishnan
  • How do you solve a problem like Śakuntalā? Considering alternative endings to Kālidāsa's drama on the contemporary Indian stage / Amanda Culp
  • Part III. Regional and vernacular Mahābhāratas from premodern South Asia. An old dharma in a new age : Duryodhana and the reframing of epic ethics in Ranna's Sāhasabhīmavijaya / Timothy Lorndale
  • Three poets, two languages, one translation : the evolution of the Telugu Mahābhāratamu / Harshita Mruthinti Kamath
  • The fate of Kīcaka in two Jain Apabhramsha Mahābhāratas / Eva De Clercq and Simon Winant
  • The power-politics of desire and revenge : a classical Hindi Kīcakavadha performance at the Tomar Court of Gwalior / Heidi Pauwels
  • Blessed beginnings : invoking Viṣṇu in two regional Mahābhārata Retellings / Sohini Sarah Pillai
  • Part IV. Mahābhāratas of modern South Asia. How to be political without being polemical : the debate between Bankimchandra Chattopadhyay and Rabindranath Tagore over the Kṛṣṇacaritra / Ahona Panda
  • The epic and the novel : Buddhadev Bose's modern reading of the Mahābhārata / Sudipta Kaviraj
  • Many Draupadīs : representations of an epic heroine in three novels / Pamela Lothspeich
  • From excluded to exceptional : caste in contemporary Mahābhāratas / Sucheta Kanjilal
  • A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away : the Mahābhārata as dystopian future / Philip Lutgendorf.