Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Intro
  • Contents
  • Preface*
  • Life of Captain Lewis
  • Chapter 1
  • The Party Set out on the Expedition and Pass Wood River-Description of the Town of St. Charles-Osage Woman River-Gasconade and Osage Rivers Described-Character of the Osage Indians-Curious Traditionary Account of Their Origin- The Party Proceed and P...
  • Chapter 2
  • Some Account of the Pawnee Indians-Council Held with the Otto and Missouri Indians-Council Held with Another Party of the Ottoes-Death of Sergeant Floyd-The Party Encamp Near the Mouth of Whitestone River-The Character of the Missouri, with the Rive...
  • Chapter 3
  • Whimsical Instance of Superstition of the Sioux Indians-Council Held with the Sioux-Character of That Tribe, Their Manners, &C.-A Ridiculous Instance of Their Heroism-Ancient Fortifications-Quieurre River Described-Vast Herds of Buffaloe-Account o...
  • the Grand Le Tour, or Great Bend-Encamp on the Teton River
  • Chapter 4
  • Council Held with the Tetons-Their Manners, Dances, &C.-Chayenne River-Council Held with the Ricara Indians- Their Manners and Habits-Strange Instance of Ricara Idolatry-Another Instance-Cannonball River-Arrival Among the Mandans-Character of the Su...
  • Chapter 5
  • Council Held with the Mandans- A Prairie on Fire, and a Singular Instance of Preservation-Peace Established Between the Mandans and Ricaras-The Party Encamp for the Winter-Indian Mode of Catching Goats-Beautiful Appearance of Northern Lights-Friendly...
  • Chapter 6
  • The Party Increase in the Favour of the Mandans-Description of a Buffaloe Dance-Medicine Dance-The Fortitude with Which the Indians Bear the Severity of the Season-Distress of the Party for Want of Provisions-The Great Importance of the Blacksmith ...
  • Chapter 7
  • Indian Method of Attacking the Buffaloe on the Ice-An Enumeration of the Presents Sent to the President of the United States-The Party Are Visited by a Ricara Chief-They Leave Their Encampment, and Proceed on Their Journey-Description of the Little Mi...
  • Chapter 8
  • Unusual Appearance of Salt- The Formidable Character of the White Bear-Porcupine River Described-Beautiful Appearance of the Surrounding Country-Immense Quantities of Game-Milk River Described-Extraordinary Character of Bigdry River-An Instance of Unc...
  • Chapter 9
  • The Party Continue Their Route-Description of Judith River-Indian Mode of Taking the Buffaloe-Slaughter River Described-Phenomena of Nature-Of Walls on the Banks of the Missouri-The Party Encamp on the Banks of the River to Ascertain Which of the St...
  • Chapter 10
  • Return of Captain Lewis-Account of Captain Clarke's Researches with His Exploring Party-Perilous Situation of One of His Party-Tansy River Described- the Party Still Believing the Southern Fork the Missouri, Captain Lewis Resolves to Ascend It-Mode ...
  • Chapter 11