
Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic by the Radical Right Scapegoating, Conspiracy Theories and New Narratives.

Numerous political commentators have noted the rise of the radical right worldwide. How has the radical right responded to the COVID-19 pandemic? Has the radical right been legitimized in a world of closed borders and greater securitization? Have radical right regimes in power cracked under the stra...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Bar-On, Tamir
Otros Autores: Molas, Bàrbara, Klein, Ofra, Ariza, Cristina, Colborne, Michael, Betz, Hans-Georg, Volk, Sabine, Zeller, Michael, Valencia-García, Louie Dean
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Berlin : Ibidem Verlag, 2020.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Intro
  • About the Authors
  • Foreword
  • Acknowledgments
  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1: COVID-19 and the Radical Right
  • How is the Far Right Capitalizing on COVID-19?
  • How COVID-19 Will Impact the Fight Against the Radical Right
  • For the Far Right, The COVID-19 Crisis is a PR Opportunity
  • COVID-19's Victims: Populism
  • Chapter 2: Case Studies from Europe and North America
  • Flanders First: How COVID-19 has Boosted the Flemish Radical Populist Right
  • Germany: Is the COVID-19 Pandemic Weakening the Far Right?
  • COVID-19 and the Pause of Far-Right Demonstrations in Germany
  • Amid COVID-19, Trump Attempts to Rewrite History
  • Will France's Marine Le Pen be a Profiteer or Victim of the Pandemic?
  • How the European Union Lost Italy to the Radical Right
  • After COVID-19: Will Matteo Salvini Lead Europe's Radical Right?
  • COVID-19 & the (temporary) Fall of the Populist Radical Right in European Politics?
  • The Spanish Right, COVID-19 and 'Socio-Communism'
  • Tilting at Windmills: The Spanish Radical Populist Right in Times of COVID-19
  • Chapter 3: COVID-19 and Radical-Right Conspiracy Theories
  • The Oldest Hatred, Conspiracy Theories and the COVID-19 Pandemic
  • COVID-19 and the Radical Right: Conspiracy, Disinformation and Xenophobia
  • The Dangers of Right-Wing COVID-19 Conspiracy Theories
  • Apocalypse Now: The Conspiracy Theories of the Radical Right
  • Chapter 4: COVID-19 and the Rise of Racism and Religious Hatred
  • The 'Other' in a Time of Crisis: Europe's Populist Radical Right Response to COVID-19
  • Anti-Asian Racism Amid COVID-19 Echoes US History of Blaming Immigrants for Disease
  • Canada and the 'Yellow Peril' Conspiracy Amidst COVID-19
  • "#CORONAJIHAD": How the Far Right in India is Responding to the Pandemic
  • Chapter 5: COVID-19 and the Radical Right's Transition Online
  • Quarantined Radicals: Right-Wing Extremism in the Age of COVID-19
  • Zoom-Bombing and the Far Right's Latest Assault on College Communities
  • The Risks of Online Radicalization in the COVID-19 Era
  • The Influence of Memes on Far-Right Radicalization
  • Chapter 6: COVID-19, Class and Gender
  • Appropriating 'Choice': Uses of Gendered Discourse in 'Re-Open' Protests
  • Gender and Mainstreaming in the Era of COVID-19: Swedish Exceptionalism & the Radical Right
  • Contesting Class in the Lockdown Protests
  • Epilogue