Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Intro; Contents; List of Tables; List of Figures; Foreword; Executive Summary(; Introduction; Acknowledgments; Introduction; Purpose and Organization of This Report; Data; Chapter 1; Violent Deaths; Indicator 1: Violent Deaths at School and Away from School; Nonfatal Student and Teacher Victimization:; Indicator 2: Incidence of Victimization at School and Away from School; Indicator 3: Prevalence of Victimization at School; Indicator 4: Threats and Injuries with Weapons on School Property; Indicator 5: Teachers Threatened with Injury or Physically Attacked by Students; Chapter 2
  • School EnvironmentIndicator 6: Violent and Other Crime Incidents at Public Schools, and Those Reported to the Police; Indicator 7: Discipline Problems Reported by Public Schools; Indicator 8: Students' Reports of Gangs at School; Indicator 9: Students' Reports of Illegal Drug Availability on School Property; Indicator 10: Students' Reports of Being Called Hate-Related Words and Seeing Hate-Related Graffiti; Indicator 11: Bullying at School and Cyber-Bullying Anywhere; Indicator 12: Teachers' Reports; on School Conditions; Chapter 3; Fights, Weapons, ; and Illegal Substances
  • Indicator 13: Physical Fights on School Property and AnywhereIndicator 14: Students Carrying Weapons; on School Property and Anywhere and Students' Access to Firearms; Indicator 15: Students' Use of Alcohol on School Property and Anywhere; Indicator 16: Students' Use of Marijuana on School Property and Anywhere; Chapter 4; Fear and Avoidance; Indicator 17: Students' Perceptions of Personal Safety at School and Away from School; Indicator 18: Students' Reports of Avoiding School Activities or Classes or Specific Places in School; Chapter 5; Discipline, Safety, and Security Measures
  • Indicator 19: Serious Disciplinary Actions Taken by Public SchoolsIndicator 20: Safety and Security Measures Taken by Schools; Indicator 21: Students' Reports of Safety and Security Measures Observed at School; Chapter 6; Postsecondary Campus; Safety and Security; Indicator 22: Criminal Incidents at Postsecondary Institutions; Indicator 23: Hate Crime Incidents at Postsecondary Institutions; References; Supplemental Tables; Appendix A: Technical Notes; General Information; Sources of Data; School-Associated Violent Deaths Study (SAVD); Supplementary Homicide Reports (SHR)
  • Web-Based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System Fatal (WISQARSTM Fatal)National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS); School Crime Supplement (SCS); Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS); Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS); School Survey on Crime and Safety (SSOCS); Campus Safety and Security Survey; EDFacts; Accuracy of Estimates; Statistical Procedures; Appendix B: Glossary of Terms; General Terms; Specific Terms Used in Various Surveys; School-Associated Violent Deaths Study (SAVD); National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS); School Crime Supplement (SCS)