Tabla de Contenidos:
  • ""Front Cover ""; ""Contents ""; ""Foreword ""; ""Preface ""; ""Acknowledgements ""; ""Abbreviations ""; ""Note on Sources ""; ""Ch 1 The Rival Teams ""; ""Ch 2 Alternative Treatments: Artificial Tubes ""; ""Ch 3 Nine Frustrating Years ""; ""Ch 4 The Boy From Jerilderie ""; ""Ch 5 Success At Last""; ""Ch 6 Nine Normal Pregnancies ""; ""Ch 7 The Legislators' Dilemma ""; ""Ch 8 Ethics and Frozen Embryos ""; ""Ch 9 Opposition and Guidelines ""; ""Ch 10 The Problems of Ambiguous Legislation ""; ""Ch 11 The Gift of Life ""; ""Ch 12 The Struggle for Surrogacy ""; ""Ch 13 The End of the Beginning ""