Tabla de Contenidos:
  • RAILWAYS; RAILWAYS; CONTENTS ; PREFACE ; ACOUSTIC CHARACTERISTICS OF NOISE IN TRAIN STATIONS ; Abstract ; Introduction ; Methods ; 2.1. Stations Measured ; 2.2. Measurement Setup ; 2.3. Procedures for Analyzing the Noises ; 2.4. Subjective Annoyance Test ; Results and Discussion ; 3.1. Effects of Platform Styles ; 3.2. Effects of PSDs ; 3.3. Subjective Annoyance Test ; Conclusion ; Acknowledgments ; References ; DESIGNING WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKSFOR MONITORING RAILWAY STRUCTURE CONDITIONS ; Abstract ; 1. Introduction ; 2. Mathematical Modeling of WSN Design Problems.
  • 4. Thermo-MechanicalInstabilityinVibrationAbsorbers4.1. EvolutionEquations; 4.2. Phase-AmplitudeFrequencyResponsewithThermalEffects; 4.3. ParametricAnalysisoftheStationarySolutions; 4.3.1. DependenceofSteady-StateSolutionsUpontheSmallParameteræ; 4.3.2. SteadyStatesversustheNonlinearElasticParameterÝ; 4.3.3. Steady-StatesversustheStaticLoadP; Conclusion; References; A METHOD FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF TRAIN FARE CALCULATION AND ADJUSTMENT SYSTEMS USING VDM++; Abstract; 1. Introduction; 2. ProjectOverview; 2.1. TheTFCASSystem:AnInformalOverview; 2.2. GoalsoftheProject; 2.3. Approach; 3. VDM++ModeloftheTFCAS.
  • 3.1. ArchitectureoftheSystem3.2. AnExampleoftheTFCAS'sFunctionality; 3.3. AnalysisofIdenti edIssues; 4. TestingandValidatingProcess; 4.1. TestingStrategy; 4.2. TestingandValidatingProcess; 5. Experiments; 5.1. ImplementationinVDM++; 5.2. TestingResults; 5.3. LessonsLearned; 6. RelatedWork; Summary; Acknowledgment; References; EFFICIENT DEVELOPMENT AND VERIFICATION OF SAFE RAILWAY CONTROL SOFTWARE; Abstract; 1. Introduction; 2. Re-con gurableSystems; 3. ConventionalDevelopmentofRe-con gurableSystems; 4. AutomatedConstructionfromDomain-Speci cDescriptions; 5. AutomatedVeri cation; 5.1. Speci cationChecking.
  • 5.2. ModelChecking5.2.1. FormalisingtheVeri cationTask; 5.2.2. GeneratingInputtoaModelChecker; 5.3. ObjectCodeVeri cation; 6. TestAutomation; 6.1. WhyTesting?; 6.2. Model-BasedTesting; 7. TheCompleteDevelopmentProcess; Conclusion; Acknowledgments; References; EVOLUTION OF THE CONNECTIVITY OF THE PORTUGUESE BROAD GAUGE RAILWAY NETWORK (1948-2012); Abstract; 1. Introduction; 1.1. SomeIntroductoryHistoricalNotes; 1.2. AnOverviewofthethePortugueseBroadGaugeRailwayNetworkinthe1948-2012Period; 2. RelatedWorksandReasonsforStudyingthePortugueseCase; 2.1. Antecedents; 2.2. TheOriginofthisSecondStudy.