Tabla de Contenidos:
  • ""PSYCHOLOGY OF WAR""; ""PSYCHOLOGY OF WAR""; ""Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data""; ""CONTENTS""; ""PREFACE""; ""Chapter 1: ""We Want No More War"": Political Polarization and Democratic Consciousness in a Group of Venezuelan Children""; ""ABSTRACT""; ""RESEARCH CONTEXT""; ""Origins of the Political Polarization in Venezuela""; ""POLARIZATION""; ""CONSEQUENCES ON MENTAL HEALTH""; ""CONSEQUENCES FOR CHILDREN""; ""Ethical and Political Dilemmas""; ""The Action-Flight Dilemma""; ""EMOTIONAL REACTIONS OF CHILDREN""; ""IMPACT OF POLITICAL POLARIZATION ON PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE""
  • ""CHARACTERISTICS OF THE RESEARCH""""ETHICAL PRINCIPLES OF THE INVESTIGATION""; ""Main Results of the Research""; ""Process of Political Polarization""; ""Identification with the Leader and Expressions of Dependence towards Him""; ""The Other Perceived as a Threat. Negative Attributions towards the Other""; ""Influence of Violence on Psychologists""; ""Disqualification of the Unaligned""; ""Ideal of Absolute Uniformity in the Group""; ""Disqualification of the Yellow One""; ""Consolidation of the Groupâ€?s Sense of Belonging""; ""Recognition of Leaders as Heads of the Group""
  • ""Desire to Align those who are Not Aligned""""PROCESS OF DEPOLARIZATION""; ""Exclusion as a Way of Rejecting Diversity""; ""CONCLUSIONS""; ""REFERENCES""; ""Chapter 2: Children's Psychological Distress and Needs in Northern Uganda's Conflict Zone: An Assessment of Stakeholder's Conflicting Engagements ""; ""ABSTRACT""; ""1. INTRODUCTION""; ""2. THE HISTORY OF THE WAR IN NORTHERN UGANDA""; ""3. CONFLICTING ROLES PLAYED BY THE STATE IN ITS ATTEMPTS TO PROTECT PEOPLE AND PACIFY NORTHERN UGANDA""; ""4. UNCERTAINTY ABOUT THE END OF HOSTILITIES""
  • ""5. ATTEMPTS TO PROVIDE SAFETY AND CARE FOR CHILDREN BY NGOS""""6. CHILDRENâ€?S SUFFERING AND SURVIVAL""; ""Ojokâ€?s Narrative on His Experiences and Management of Psychosocial Suffering""; ""Other Wartime Childrenâ€?s Narratives Signifying the Magnitude of Their Psychosocial Suffering""; ""The Issue of Rape and HIV/AIDS""; ""The Issue of Child Abductions and Reintegration of Ex-Combatants in Communities""; ""7. THE NGO RESPONSE TO SUFFERING: AN ANALYSIS OF ITS EFFECTIVENESS""; ""8. BENEFICIARIESâ€? PERSPECTIVES AND PRIORITIES""; ""CONCLUSION""; ""REFERENCES""
  • ""Chapter 3: The Psychology of Heroes: Antecedents and Consequences of Combat-decorated War Heroism""""ABSTRACT""; ""A FRAMEWORK FOR PROFILING HEROISM""; ""1. The Leadership Dimension""; ""2. The Loyalty and Group Cohesion Dimension""; ""3. The Risk-taking Dimension""; ""The Long-term Impact of Heroism on Values and Leisure Behaviors""; ""PROFILING WORLD WAR II COMBAT HEROES""; ""Method and Participants""; ""Survey Instrument""; ""RESULTS""; ""The Three Dimensions of Heroism""; ""Post-War Values and Leisure Behaviors of Heroes""; ""GENERAL DISCUSSION""