Tabla de Contenidos:
  • ""HANDBOOK OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH ""; ""HANDBOOK OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH""; ""CONTENTS""; ""PREFACE""; ""CHARACTERISTICS OF URBAN HIGHWAY RUNOFF: GENERAL WATER QUALITY, TOXICITY AND PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION""; ""ABSTRACT ""; ""ACRONYMS AND SYMBOLS ""; ""1. INTRODUCTION ""; ""1.1. Background""; ""1.2. Scope and Organization ""; ""2. METHODS ""; ""2.1. Site Selection ""; ""2.2. Sample Collection ""; ""2.2.1. Composite runoff sample collection ""; ""2.2.2. Toxicity sample collection ""; ""2.2.3. Particle size distribution measurement sample collection ""
  • ""2.2.4. First flush sampling procedure """"2.3. Site Characteristics and Storm Event Data Collection ""; ""2.4. METHOD TO ESTIMATE EMC FROM MULTIPLE GRAB SAMPLES""; ""2.5. Analytical Methods and Chemical Data Validations ""; ""2.6. Methods to Evaluate First Flush Characterization ""; ""2.7. Toxicity Testing Methods ""; ""2.7.2. Toxicity identification evaluations (TIEs) ""; ""2.8. Particle Size Distribution Measurement ""; ""2.8.1. AccuSizer 780 particle size analyzer ""; ""2.8.2. LISST-portable particle size analyzer ""; ""2.8.3. LiQuilaz® particle size analyzer""
  • ""Notations for reporting the particle size distribution measurement """"2.9. Statistical Methods ""; ""2.9.1. General statistical analysis ""; ""2.9.2. Multiple linear regression (MLR) analysis ""; ""2.9.3. Artificial neural network (ANN) analysis ""; ""2.9.4. Statistical methods to evaluate toxicity ""; ""3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ""; ""3.1. General Highway Runoff Quality ""; ""3.1.1. Statistical summary of highway runoff quality ""; ""3.1.2. Comparison of california highway runoff quality with other national highway runoff quality ""
  • ""3.1.3. Comparison of California highway runoff quality to the water quality standards """"3.1.4. Correlations among water quality parameters ""; ""3.1.5. Factors influencing highway runoff water quality ""; "" Impact of annual average daily traffic (AADT) ""; "" Impact of event rainfall ""; "" Impact of surrounding land use ""; ""3.2. First Flush Evaluation of Highway Runoff ""; ""3.2.1. First flush evaluation based on visual observation ""; ""3.2.2. First flush evaluation through pollutographs (concentration-based) ""
  • ""3.2.3. First flush evaluation through partial EMC""""3.2.4. First flush evaluation through mass first flush ratio ""; ""3.3. Toxicity Evaluation of Highway Runoff ""; ""3.3.1. Toxicity of highway runoff ""; ""3.3.2. Variation of toxicity during the rain event (first flush effect) ""; ""3.3.3. Toxicity of grab vs. composite samples ""; ""3.3.4. Toxicity responses between test methods ""; ""3.3.5. Cause of toxicity in runoff samples ""; ""3.3.5. Analytical chemistry data as a substitute to estimate toxic effects ""; ""3.3.6. Utility of toxic units for assessing toxic effects ""