Tabla de Contenidos:
  • PROPOSALS FOR GOVERNMENT POLICY ON ACCESS TO BROADBAND NETWORKS The FCC Broadband Policy Statement ; Internet Consumer Bill of Rights ; Network Neutrality ; ANTITRUST AND UNFAIR METHODS OF COMPETITION LAWS ; REFERENCES ; BROADBAND INTERNET ACCESS AND THE DIGITAL DIVIDE: FEDERAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS; ABSTRACT ; BACKGROUND ; Broadband in Rural and Underserved Areas[11] ; Federal Role ; State and Local Broadband Activities ; FEDERAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS ; The Universal Service Concept and the FCC[47] ; Universal Service and the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
  • The Schools and Libraries, and Rural Health Care Programs 1. The Schools and Libraries Program ; 2. The Rural Health Care Program ; The Telecommunications Development Fund ; Universal Service and Broadband; Rural Utilities Service ; LEGISLATION IN THE 109TH CONGRESS ; H.R. 3 (Young, Don)/P.L. 109-59 ; H.R. 144 (McHugh) ; H.R. 146 (McHugh) ; H.R. 1479 (Udall) ; H.R. 3517 (Andrews) ; H.R. 3958 (Melancon) ; H.R. 5072 (Terry) ; H.R. 5252 (Barton) ; H.R. 5970 (Thomas, William); S. 14 (Stabenow) ; S. 497 (Salazar) ; S. 502 (Coleman); S. 1147 (Rockefeller) ; S. 1321 (Santorum) ; S. 1583 (Smith).
  • S. 1932 (Gregg) S. 1765 (Landrieu) ; S. 1766 (Vitter) ; S. 2020 (Grassley) ; S. 2256 (Burns) ; S. 2357 (Kennedy) ; S. 2686 (Stevens); S. 3820 (Durbin) ; S. 3829 (Stabenow) ; S. 3936 (Frist) ; S. 3999 (Clinton) ; LEGISLATION IN THE 110TH CONGRESS ; H.R. 42 (Velazquez) ; S. 101 (Stevens) ; POLICY ISSUES; Is Broadband Deployment Data Adequate? ; Is Federal Assistance for Broadband Deployment Premature or Inappropriate? ; Which Approach Is Best? ; REFERENCES ; IMPLEMENTATION AND EXPERIMENTATION OF A LAYER-2 ARCHITECTURE FOR INTERCONNECTING HETEROGENEOUS AD HOC NETWORKS TO THE INTERNET.
  • Abstract1. Introduction; 2.Network Model; 3. Related Work; 4. Protocol Descriptions; 4.1. OLSR; 4.2. ARP Protocol; 5. Proposed Architecture; 5.1. Ad Hoc Node Self-configuration; 5.2. Global Internet Connectivity; 5.2.1. Connectivity for Outgoing Traffic; 5.2.2. Connectivity for Incoming Traffic; 5.2.3. Mobility Support; 6. Experimental Results; 6.1. Performance Constraints of Internet Access; 6.2. Performance Constraints with Mobility; 7. Concluding Remarks; References; THE IMPACT OF LICENSE AGREEMENTS ON ACCESS TO INFORMATION: A CHALLENGE FOR ACADEMIC LIBRARIES ; ABSTRACT; INTRODUCTION.