
Paradigms of Freedom

Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Letellier, Robert Ignatius
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: New York : Nova Science Publishers, Incorporated, 2020.
Colección:World Philosophy Ser.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Intro
  • Contents
  • List of Figures
  • Preface
  • Introduction
  • Symbols of Transcendence: Jacob and Pegasus
  • Jacob's Ladder
  • The Winged Steed
  • Chapter 1
  • The Age of Reformation and Jacob's Ladder (The Sixteenth Century)
  • The Calamatious 14th Century and its Contribution to the Concept of Freedom
  • Troubled Times: The Emperor and theTheologian
  • Charles V
  • Ernst Krenek
  • Martin Luther
  • The German Bible
  • The Call to Freedom
  • Ein' Feste Burg
  • Johann Sebastian Bach
  • Hans Sachs, the Cobbler Poet
  • Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
  • Richard Wagner
  • Johann Georg Faust
  • Artists and Divided Loyalties
  • Lucas Cranach
  • Albrecht Dürer
  • Matthias Grünewald
  • Paul Hindemith
  • Two Artists of Catholic Faith
  • Hieronymous Bosch
  • Pieter Brueghel
  • Two Composers: Two Views of Music, Faith and Freedom
  • Clément Marot
  • Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina
  • Hans Pfitzner
  • Poetry, Martyrdom and Idependence of the Spirit
  • Robert Southwell SJ
  • Theodore-Agrippa d'Aubigné
  • Giacomo Meyerbeer
  • Christopher Marlowe
  • Ferruccio Busoni
  • Doktor Faust
  • The Spanish Inquisition
  • Luis de Carvajal and the Memorias: Freedom of the Spirit in the Face of Death
  • Doreen Carvajal: Finding Freedom in Redeeming the Past
  • Samuel Shellabarger: Finding Freedom in Fictional Reflection
  • Friedrich Schiller, Giuseppe Verdi, Don Carlos and the Inquisition
  • Voltaire, Bernstein, Candide, and Finding Freedom in Irony and Satire
  • François-Marie Arouet, Voltaire
  • Leonard Bernstein
  • Witchcraft and the Demythologization of Faith
  • Valery Bryusov, Sergei Prokofiev, Kryzstof Penderecki and Demonic Possession: The Fiery Angel and The Devils of Loudun
  • Chapter 2
  • Religion and the Age of Science (The Seventeenth Century)
  • Science and Religion, Faith and Liberty
  • Two Scientists Explore the Universe
  • Paul Hindemith and Die Harmonie der Welt
  • Galileo Galilei
  • Berthold Brecht and Galileo
  • The Thirty Years' War (1618-48)
  • Andreas Gryphius and the Sorrow of the Times
  • Berthold Brecht and Mother Courage
  • Daniel Kehlmann and Till Eulenspiegel
  • Johann Strauss and Grimmelshausen
  • In Eastern Europe
  • The English Civil War (1642-52)
  • The Covenanters and Sir Walter Scott
  • John Bunyan and the Way of the Pilgrim
  • The Pilgrim's Progress
  • Ralph Vaughan Williams and John Bunyan
  • The Political Situations and Literary Backgrounds of the Period 1660-1680 in England and France
  • Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle, and Marie-Madeleine, Comtesse de Lafayette
  • The Description of a New World Called the Blazing World (1666)
  • La Princesse de Clèves (1678)
  • Chapter 3
  • Justice and the Age of Enlightenment (The Eighteenth Century)
  • Enlightenment and Revolution
  • A Formula for Liberty: Count Friedrich Struensee and the Rotten State of Denmark
  • Michael Beer and an Ideal of Liberty
  • Per Olov Enquist and the Royal Physician
  • Nikolaj Arcel and A Royal Affair