Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Work as a cultural phenomenon : contributions to the dialogue between psychology, work, and culture / Pedro Bendassolli and Sonia Gondim
  • Looking back to look forward : a working history of cultural psychology / Kevin R. Carriere
  • Conceiving work as (an) activity : epistemological underpinnings from a cultural-historical perspective / Patricia Dionne and Alfredo Jornet
  • Vygotsky and work : an activity clinic to change the organization / Antoine Bonnemain, Jean-Yves Bonnefond, Flavio Fontes, and Yves Clot
  • Once I imagined to work : a short drama in two acts and two intermezzos about the semiotic dynamics of a job center / Luca Tateo and Morten Bech Kristensen
  • Borders at work : the minimum power management position / Giuseppina Marsico
  • Cultural psychology and employment of youth with psychic and social problems / Diana Nellemann S. Andersen, and Mogens Jensen
  • Ruptures and transitions in work paths : uses of normative fields in the life course / Maija Korhonen, Tania Zittoun, and Katri Komulainen
  • Work and geographical mobility : the case of the male accompanying spouses / Flavia Cangi?, Tania Zittoun, and Deborah Levitan
  • Organizational creativity from a situated and cultural psychological perspective / Lene Tanggaard
  • Mobilization of adult learners in educative program : bergson, vygotsky, and beyond / Dany Boulanger and Patricia Dionne
  • Work, collaboration, and adult development on a digital platform for permanent education within the Brazilian unified health system (sUS): a cultural-semiotic approach / Maria Cl?udia Santos Lopes de Oliveira and Caroline Zamboni de Souza
  • Models of value construction: for a semio-dialectical approach to organization and social action / Sergio Salvatore, Alessandro Gennaro, Ada Manfreda, and Sara Calogiuri
  • Processes of modal articulation : extending a semiotic and psychodynamic model of sensemaking / Raffaele De Luca Picione
  • Self-fulfillment: the work of human existence / Sigmar Malvezzi
  • Public's social representations of relational professions and their work context: extension of Moscovici's study in the new public management / Dany Boulanger.