Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Intro; Introduction; 1. Conversions; Conversion Formulas; Temperature Conversion; Fahrenheit to Celsius Conversion; Weight Conversion; Newborn Weight Conversion Chart; Infant and Toddler Weight Conversion Chart; 2. Scales and Scoring; APGAR Score; New Ballard Score; Pain Scales; Wong-Baker FACES Pain Rating Scale; FLACC Pain Scale; Neonatal Pain, Agitation, and Sedation Scale (NPASS); Pediatric Early Warning Score (PEWS); Glasgow Coma Scale; Glasgow Coma Scale for Children; Croup Score; 3. Growth; Determining Body Surface Area; Growth Charts; Average Growth Velocity by Age-group
  • Fenton Preterm Growth Chart-BoysFenton Preterm Growth Chart-Girls; WHO Birth to 24 Months: Boys Head Circumference-for-age and Weight-for-length Percentiles; WHO Birth to 24 Months: Boys Length-for-age and Weight-for-age Percentiles; WHO Birth to 24 Months: Girls Head Circumference-for-age and Weight-for-length Percentiles; WHO Birth to 24 Months: Girls Length-for-age and Weight-for-age Percentiles; CDC 2 to 20 Years: Boys Stature-for-age and Weight-for-age Percentiles; CDC 2 to 20 Years: Boys Body Mass Index-for-age Percentiles
  • CDC 2 to 20 Years: Girls Stature-for-age and Weight-for-age PercentilesCDC 2 to 20 Years: GirlsBody Mass Index-for-age Percentiles; Growth Charts for Children With Special Health Care Needs; Online Growth Charts; Growth Charts for Special Populations; Growth Charts for Children With Down Syndrome, Birth to 36 Months: Boys Weight-for-age Percentiles; Growth Charts for Children With Down Syndrome, Birth to 36 Months: Boys Length-for-age Percentiles; Growth Charts for Children With Down Syndrome, Birth to 36 Months: Boys Head Circumference-for-age Percentiles
  • Growth Charts for Children With Down Syndrome, Birth to 36 Months: Boys Weight-for-length PercentilesGrowth Charts for Children With Down Syndrome, Birth to 36 Months: Girls Weight-for-age Percentiles; Growth Charts for Children With Down Syndrome, Birth to 36 Months: Girls Length-for-age Percentiles; Growth Charts for Children With Down Syndrome, Birth to 36 Months: Girls Head Circumference-for-age Percentiles; Growth Charts for Children With Down Syndrome, Birth to 36 Months: Girls Weight-for-length Percentiles; Height and Weight for Children With Cerebral Palsy; Mid-upper Arm Circumference
  • MUAC for Age, Boys 2 to 24 MonthsMUAC for Age, Boys 2 to 18 Years; MUAC for Age, Girls 2 to 24 Months; MUAC for Age, Girls 2 to 18 Years; Pediatric Malnutrition Indicators; Malnutrition Criteria When a Single Data Point Is Available; Malnutrition Criteria When 2 or More Data Points Are Available; Growth Measures for Extremities and for Ear Above Eyeline Levels; Upper Arm (Shoulder to Elbow) Length; Forearm Length; Long-Bone Length-Upper Limb; Long-Bone Length-Lower Limb; Lower Leg (Knee to Ankle) Length; Ear Above Eyeline Level (Gestational Age); Ear Above Eyeline Level (Birth Weight)