Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Intro; Title Page; Copyright; Dedication; Contents; Foreword; 1 Setting the Table; Lesson 1: The New Consultant Blues; Lesson 2: Community Is Essential; Lesson 3: Managing Emotion; 2 Ethics Inherent in Diversity Education; Lesson 4: Finding Ways to Continually Check Our Privilege and Hold Ourselves Accountable; Lesson 5: Doing Good Work Can Come With a Target on Your Back; Lesson 6: Justice, Not Vengeance: Overcoming the Dehumanization of Dysconscious Racism; 3 Starting Your Journey; Lesson 7: Effective Listening: The Secret Sauce of Diversity Consultants
  • Lesson 8: There's a Black Man Talking!Lesson 9: White Man Talking; Lesson 10: Be Prepared for Anything and Surprised by Nothing; 4 Putting Out Your Shingle; Lesson 11: Stress Kills; Lesson 12: Radical Politics Made Me Antimotherhood; Lesson 13: Global Consulting: Challenges, Opportunities, and Possibilities; 5 Don't Try to be Big ... Just do Big Things!; Conclusion-Lesson 14: Fourteen Staple Ingredients in My Consulting Kitchen; Afterword; About the Editors and Contributors; Index; Also available from Stylus; Backcover