Tabla de Contenidos:
  • The Micro-Doppler Effect in Radar Second Edition; 1 Introduction; 1.1 Doppler Effect; 1.2 Relativistic Doppler Effect and Time Dilation; 1.3 Doppler Effect Observed in Radar; 1.4 Estimation and Analysis of Doppler Frequency Shifts; 1.5 Cramer-Rao Bound of the Doppler Frequency Estimation; 1.6 The Micro-Doppler Effect; 1.7 Micro-Doppler Effect Observed in Radar; 1.8 Estimation and Analysis of Micro-Doppler Frequency Shifts; 1.8.1 Instantaneous Frequency Analysis; 1.8.2 Joint Time-Frequency Analysis; 1.9 The Micro-Doppler Signature of Objects
  • 1.10 Angular Velocity Induced Interferometric Frequency Shift; 1.11 Research and Applications of Radar Micro-Doppler Signatures; 1.11.1 Micro-Doppler Signatures of Space Targets; 1.11.2 Micro-Doppler Signatures of Air Targets; 1.11.3 Micro-Doppler Signatures of Vital Signs; 1.11.4 Through-the-Wall Radar Micro-Doppler Signatures; 1.11.5 Micro-Doppler Signatures for Indoor Monitoring; 1.11.6 Micro-Doppler Signatures for Hand Gesture Recognition; 1.11.7 Micro-Doppler Signatures for Target Classification; 1.11.8 Other Applications of Radar Micro-Doppler Signatures; 1.12 The Organization of the Book
  • 2.4.4 Coning Motion-Induced Micro-Doppler Shift; 2.5 Bistatic Micro-Doppler Effect; 2.6 Multistatic Micro-Doppler Effect; 2.7 Cramer-Rao Bound of the Micro-Doppler Estimation; References; Appendix 2A; 3 The Micro-Doppler Effect of the Rigid Body Motion; 3.1 Pendulum Oscillation; 3.1.1 Modeling Nonlinear Motion Dynamic of a Pendulum; 3.1.2 Modeling RCS of a Pendulum; 3.1.3 Radar Backscattering from an Oscillating Pendulum; 3.1.4 Micro-Doppler Signatures Generated by an Oscillating Pendulum; 3.2 Helicopter Rotor Blades; 3.2.1 Mathematic Model of Rotating Rotor Blades
  • 3.2.2 RCS Model of Rotating Rotor Blades; 3.2.3 POFACET Prediction Model; 3.2.4 Radar Backscattering from Rotor Blades; 3.2.5 Micro-Doppler Signatures of Rotor Blades; 3.2.6 Required Minimum PRF; 3.2.7 Analysis and Interpretation of the Micro-Doppler Signature of Rotor Blades; 3.2.8 Quadrotor and Multirotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicles; 3.3 Spinning Symmetric Top; 3.3.1 Force-Free Rotation of a Symmetric Top; 3.3.2 Torque-Induced Rotation of a Symmetric Top; 3.3.3 RCS Model of a Symmetric Top; 3.3.4 Radar Backscattering from a Symmetric Top