
MongoDB, Express, Angular, and Node. js Fundamentals : Become a MEAN Master and Rule the World of Web Applications.

Taking control of the MEAN stack and getting familiar with different JavaScript technologies during the process will transform you into a full-stack JavaScript developer. MongoDB, Express, Angular and Node.js Fundamentals shows you how to develop highly scalable, asynchronous, and event-driven APIs...

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Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Oluyege, Paul
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Birmingham : Packt Publishing Ltd, 2019.
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Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Intro; Preface; Introduction to the MEAN Stack; Introduction; MEAN Architecture Demystification; MEAN Architecture; Express.js; Angular; Node.js; Getting Started with Node; Exercise 1: Creating Our First Node Program; Activity 1: Creating an HTTP Server for a Blogging Application; Understanding Callbacks, Event Loops, and EventEmitters in Node; Callback; Event Loops; EventEmitter; EventEmitter Implementation; The AddListener Method; Trigger Events; Removing Listeners; Some Other Features of EventEmmitter; Understanding Buffers, Streams, and the Filesystem in Node; Buffer
  • Exercise 2: Creating, Reading, and Writing to a BufferUninitialized Buffers; Some Other Buffer Methods; Streams; Reading Data From Streams; Writing to Streams; Some Other Stream Methods; Filesystems; Some Other Methods in the Filesystems Module; Exercise 3: Reading and Writing Data Using Filesystem Operations; Activity 2: Streaming Data to a File; Summary; Developing RESTful APIs to Perform CRUD Operations; Introduction; Getting Started with RESTful APIs; Node RESTful APIs Design Practice; Getting Started with MongoDB Atlas; Clusters; Exercise 4: Creating a Free Tier Cluster on MongoDB Atlas
  • Native MongoDB Driver and Mongoose (Object Document Mapper)Using the Native MongoDB Driver; Using Mongoose; Exercise 5: Connecting the Node Application with the MongoDB Native Driver; Exercise 6: Connecting the Node Application with a Third-Party Driver (Mongoose); Creating and Defining a Schema with Mongoose; Creating Models in Mongoose; Exercise 7: Creating a Database Schema and a Data Model using Mongoose; Activity 3: Connecting the Node Application with MongoDB Atlas; Getting Started with Express; Routing in Express; Exercise 8: Creating a Route and Exporting the Router Object
  • Activity 4: Creating Controller for the APIMiddleware in Express; Error Handling in Express; View Template Engine; Exercise 9: Using the Pug (Jade) Template Engine and Implementing Error Handling in the Node Application with Express; Activity 5: Testing a Fully Functional RESTful API; Summary; Beginning Frontend Development with Angular CLI; Introduction; Getting Started with Angular CLI; Installing Angular CLI; Exercise 10: Creating and Running a New Application on the Angular CLI; Project File Review; Using Components, Directives, Services, and Making HTTP Requests in Angular
  • Angular ComponentsExercise 11: Creating Angular Components; Directives; Exercise 12: Implementing a Structural Directive; Exercise 13: Implementing an Attribute Directive; Data Binding in Angular; Services; Exercise 14: Creating Angular Services Manually; HTTP Requests using Angular's HttpClient; Working with JSON Data; Type Checking Responses; Error Handling; Activity 6: Designing the Frontend and Components for the Blogging Application; Activity 7: Writing Services and Making HTTP Request Calls to an API; Understanding Angular Forms and Routing; Angular Forms; Template-Driven Form