Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Intro; Contents; Preface; Part 1: Clean Air Act; Chapter 1; Clean Air Act Issues in the 115th Congress: In Brief(; Summary; Introduction; EPA's Greenhouse Gas Regulations; Standards for Motor Vehicles; Standards for Power Plants (Clean Power Plan); Standards for the Oil and Gas Industry; Air Quality Standards; Background; 2015 Revision of the Ozone NAAQS; Other Issues; Chapter 2; Cost and Benefit Considerations in Clean Air Act Regulations*; Summary; Introduction; Clean Air Act Authorities; Cost Consideration in Clean Air Act Authorities; Authorities That Mention or Imply Cost Considerations
  • Authorities That neither Mention nor Imply Cost ConsiderationStandards Established by Congress; Health-Based Standards; Broad Authority; Federal Implementation Plans; EPA's Use of Cost-Benefit Analysis; Measuring Costs and Benefits; Issues Raised by EPA's CAA Cost-Benefit Analyses; Cumulative Impacts of Clean Air Act Regulations; EPA Studies of Cumulative Costs and Benefits; OIRA Reports on the Cost and Benefit of Regulations; The Role of Particulate Matter in EPA Regulatory Impact Analyses; The Value of a Statistical Life; The Difficulty of Quantifying Costs or Benefits; Assumptions
  • Retrospective StudiesQuantification and Monetization; Conclusion; Chapter 3; Clean Air Permitting: Implementation and Issues(; Summary; Introduction; Major Features of the Operating Permits Program; EPA Regulations; Status of the Permit Program and Permit Issuance; Implications of Regulating Greenhouse Gas Emissions for Title V Permitting; Title V Issues; Complexity; Title V Permit Review Requests and Petitions; Costs and Permit Fees; Confusing Requirements and Limited EPA Guidance; Congressional Interest; Chapter 4
  • Key Historical Court Decisions Shaping EPA's Program Under the Clean Air Act(Summary; Glossary of Acronyms; Introduction; National Ambient Air Quality Standards; State Implementation Plans; Interstate Pollution; New Source Performance Standards; Emission Guidelines under CAA Section 111(d); New Source Review; "Routine Maintenance"; Bubble Concept; National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants; Greenhouse Gas Emissions; Enforcement; Chapter 5; The Clean Air Act's Good Neighbor Provision: Overview of Interstate Air Pollution Control(; Introduction; Background
  • Implementing the Good Neighbor ProvisionSIPs Process; Section 126(b) Petitions; Interpreting "Significant Contribution"; Programs Addressing Interstate Pollution; Acid Rain Program; Ozone Control: Regional NOx Programs; Ozone Transport Commission NOx Budget Program; NOx Budget Trading Program; Ozone and PM Control: Regional SO2 and NOx Trading Programs; Clean Air Interstate Rule; Cross State Air Pollution Rule; Framework to Assess Good Neighbor Provision; CSAPR Emissions Trading Programs; Results of Regional SO2 and NOx Trading Programs