
The Waffen-SS in allied hands. Volume one, Personal accounts from Hitler's elite soldiers /

The Waffen-SS are commonly regarded as the elite of Germany's armed forces during World War II. They gained much of this reputation while fighting on the Eastern Front in Russia during Germany's war against the Soviet Union. They were also called to the fore in an attempt to hurl back the...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Goldsworthy, Terry (Autor)
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Newcastle upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018.
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Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Intro; Contents; Preface; Introduction; The rationale for the study of the Waffen-SS; Sources of information for this book; To edit or not to edit the manuscripts; Outline of the book; Chapter One; Who were the Waffen-SS?; The Nazis and the Waffen-SS; Political and ideological roots; The Waffen-SS as political soldiers; Personnel Composition of the Waffen-SS; Later years recruitment; Chapter Two; The relationship between the Wehrmacht and the SS; B-629
  • Himmler's Field Staff (1941-44). By SS-Brigadeführer Ernst Rode; The Higher SS and Police Leaders; Chapter Three.
  • The Training programs of the Waffen-SSThe SS-Junkerschulen; D-178
  • Officer Procurement in the Waffen-SS (Reception, Processing and Training). By SS-Brigadeführer Werner Doerffler-Schuband; The lessons learnt in combat; D-138
  • The SS Panzergrenadier School. By SS-Sturmbannführer Klaus Moelhoff; D-154
  • Experiences with Russian Methods of Warfare and their Utilization in Training the Waffen-SS Panzergrenadier School. By SS-Sturmbannführer Klaus Moelhoff.
  • D-155
  • Comparison between the Infantry Battalion and the Assault Battalion developed by the Waffen-SS during the course of the war. By SS-Hauptsturmführer Kurt GroppC-055
  • Evaluation of Combat Infantry Experience. By SS-Gruppenführer Max Simon; Chapter Four; C-058
  • Experience Gained in Combat Against Soviet Infantry. By SS-Gruppenführer Max Simon; D-182
  • 6th SS Mountain Division "Nord" (1941-42). By SS-Gruppenführer Lothar Debes; D-186
  • Experiences in the Medical Service of a Motorised SS Div. in 1941-42 in Russia. By SS-Brigadeführer Oskar Hock.
  • D-225
  • Advance of an SS Division (Motorised). By SS-Brigadeführer Karl HermannD-228
  • Russian Artillery in the Engagement Around Modelin and German Countermeasures. By SS-Brigadeführer Kurt Brosack; D-230
  • Operations of the 15th Waffen-SS Grenadier Division (Jan-Feb 1945). By SS-Oberführer Adolf Ax; D-248
  • Tactics of Mobile Units. Operations of the 5th SS Panzergrenadier Division "Wiking" at Rostov and the Maikop Oilfields (Summer 1942). By SS-Obergruppenführer Felix Steiner; P-077
  • Soviet Russian Infantry and Armoured Forces. By SS-Gruppenführer Max Simon; Chapter Five.
  • B-814
  • Panzer Operations (6-8 June 1944). By SS-Brigadeführer Fritz Kraemer and Generalleutnant Fritz BayerleinA-974
  • Normandy, Seventh Army (29 Jun-1 Jul 1944). By SS-Oberstgruppenführer Paul Hausser; B-747
  • II SS Panzer Corps (14 Jun-5 Jul 1944). By SS-Obergruppenführer Wilhelm Bittrich; B-470
  • Combat report of the 9 SS Panzer Div Period: (3-24 July 1944). By SS-Brigadeführer Sylvester Stadler; B-832
  • I SS Panzer Corps Artillery (6 Jun-30 Jul 1944). By SS-Gruppenführer Walter Staudinger; C-024
  • I SS Panzer Corps in the West (1944). By SS-Brigadeführer Fritz Kraemer.
  • C-048
  • I SS Panzer Corps in the West, (1944). By SS-Brigadeführer Fritz Kraemer.