Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Talent development in international contexts / Khalil M. Dirani, Fredrick Nafukho, and Beverly Irby
  • Talent development in the United Kingdom / David McGuire, Indravidoushi Dusoye, Thomas N. Garavan, and Hussain Alhejji
  • Workforce development in Germany : systems, structures, and processes of the dual system / K. Peter Kuchinke
  • Talent management and development in the Russian Federation / Alexandre Ardichvili and Elena Zavyalova
  • Talent development in non-state and joint-venture enterprises in Vietnam / Huyen Thi Minh Van
  • Talent development and management practices in South Korea : a global conglomerate case / Seung Won Yoon, Doo Hun Lim, Chan Kyun Park, and Heh Youn Shin
  • Talent management best practices : harnessing the dragon for competitive advantage / Marie A. Valentin and Celestino Valentin
  • A proposed workforce development planning model in Ethiopia / Gemechu Waktola Olana and Ronald L. Jacobs
  • One chance to make a global impact through local development: a review of Pakistan's national talent development policies / Shaista E. Khilji and Muhammad Sohail Khan
  • Talent development and management : exploring the rhetoric and reality in Lebanon / Hayfaa Tlaiss, Khalil M. Dirani, and Chrisitine Silva Hamie
  • Varying cultural influences on international virtual teams in emerging economies : case studies of a U.S. multinational company in Romania and Costa Rica / Carol B. Packard.