Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Chapter 1 The Legal Principles for Establishing Medical NegligenceChapter 2 Causation in Medical Negligence ClaimsChapter 3 Loss of ChanceChapter 4 Informed ConsentChapter 5 Assimilating Essential Factual InformationChapter 6 Inquests into Hospital DeathsChapter 7 Are There Reasonable Grounds to Pursue a Claim?Chapter 8 Statute of Limitations and its Impact on Medical Negligence LitigationChapter 9 Delay in Commencing ProceedingsChapter 10 Commencement of Proceedings (Pleadings, Parties and Preparations for Trial)Chapter 11 Discovery in Medical Negligence ActionsChapter 12 Briefing Medical ExpertsChapter 13 Medical RecordsChapter 14 Formulating the Claim for Damages in Serious/Catastrophic Injury CasesChapter 15 Life Expectancy IssuesChapter 16 Structured Settlements, Periodic Payment OrdersChapter 17 Birth Injury LitigationChapter 18 Medical Negligence Litigation: Reform ProposalsAppendix
  • Precedents Mismanagement of Labour Resulting In Cerebral Palsy Delay in Diagnosis of Breast Cancer Orthopaedic Negligence Mistreatment of a Fracture.