Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Intro; Contents; Preface; Chapter 1; Awkward; Chapter 2; Benghazi/Libya; Chapter 3; Big Government; Chapter 4; Budget; Chapter 5; Campaign Contributions; Chapter 6; China; Chapter 7; Clinton Foundation; Giustra, Frank; Chapter 8; Cruz, Ted; Chapter 9; Cuba; Chapter 10; Cybersecurity; Chapter 11; Debt Limit; Chapter 12; Education; Chapter 13; Egypt; Chapter 14; Equal Pay; Chapter 15; Email; Chapter 16; Emanuel, Rahm; Chapter 17; Energy; Continuing to Use Fossil Fuels; Domestic Gas Production; Nuclear Power; Promoting Fracking Globally; Reducing Emissions; Chapter 18; Europe; Chapter 19.
  • Government SurveillanceChapter 20; Guns; Chapter 21; Haiti; Chapter 22; Health Care; Affordable Care Act; Employer-Based Model; Improving on the Fee-for-Service Model; Lowering Costs; Medical Devices; Rx; Single-Payer Health Care; Universal Coverage; Canada; Chapter 23; Helping Corporations; Chapter 24; Housing; Chapter 25; Immigration; American Jobs; Security; Visas; Chapter 26; Income Inequality; Chapter 27; Iran; Chapter 28; Islam; Chapter 29; Israel; Chapter 30; Japan; Chapter 31; Marijuana; Chapter 32; Mexico; Chapter 33; Media; Chapter 34; North Korea; Chapter 35; Personal Stories.
  • Marine RecruitersImmigrant Grandparents; Father's Football Scholarship; Chapter 36; Personal Wealth; Chapter 37; Pivot to Asia; Chapter 38; Politics; Chapter 39; Pro-Free Trade; Chapter 40; Reducing Regulations; Chapter 41; Refugees; Chapter 42; Russia; Chapter 43; Shanghai Expo; Chapter 44; Simpson-Bowles; Chapter 45; Syria; Chapter 46; Taxes; Corporate Taxes; Simplifying Tax Code; Chapter 47; Technology/New Economy; Chapter 48; Terrorism; Chapter 49; Unpaid Internships; Chapter 50; Wall Street; Blame for Financial Crisis; Futures Markets; Goals of Wall Street; Praising Wall Street.
  • Dodd-FrankRegulators from Wall Street; Representing Wall Street; Chapter 51; Wal-Mart; Index; Blank Page.