Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Intro; Table of Contents / Inhaltsverzeichnis; INTRODUCTION: Comparative Medical Sociology of Two Countries; Chapter 1: Theoretical Problems in Medical Sociology; The Comparative Evolution of Health Systems: Convergence, Diversity and Cross-Cutting Issues; Sociology on Medicine: Understanding Medical Sociology's Critical Standpoint; Chapter 2: Results and Method of a Comparative Project; Social Stratification, Health Welfare and Health Culture; Health Lifestyles: A Comparative Approach to the Culture of Health Concept; A Comparison of Psychological Distress in America and West Germany.
  • Statuskristallisation und psychischer StreßSample-Planung und Sample-Realisierung bei Telefonumfragen; Einstellung und Rollenverhalten von Telefoninterviewern in einer medizinsoziologischen Studie; Chapter 3: Experiences and Policies in Two Health Care Systems; The Evolution of the U.S. and West German Health Care System: Contrasts and Challenges; Strukturreform oder Weiterentwicklung des gegliederten Sozialleistungssystems der Bundesrepublik; Recent Social Changes and Their Consequences for the Health Care System in the Federal Republic of Germany.
  • The U.S. Health Care System in the 21st CenturyAccess to Health Care Services in the USA: Results and Methods; Chapter 4: Health Policy, Promotion and Intervention Research; Gesundheitspolitik zwischen Versorgung und Intervention; Gesundheitsförderung
  • Gesundheitserziehung in asymmetrischen Dienstleistungsgesellschaften; Increased Cardiovascular Risk in Lower Socio-Economic Groups: A Note on Causes and Consequences; Einfluß familienzentrierter Betreuung auf die Überlebenszeit beim groß- und kleinzelligen Bronchialkarzinom.
  • Enhanced Primary Health Care: An Approach to More Effective Health ServicesAFTERWORD. Medical Humanities and Social Sciences: The Introduction of Socio-Medicine into the Medical Education Curriculum; Classified Bibliography of Comparative Medical Sociology of Two Countries; Author Index; Subject/Sachindex.