Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Intro; Preface; Contents; Sociologies of Class and Organization; I. Classes, Structures and Actors; Classes in Contemporary Capitalist Society: Recent Marxist and Weberian Perspectives; Analytical Marxism and Class Theory; Between Rational Choice and Durkheimian Solidarity; "New" Social Inequalities and the Renewal of the Theory of Social Inequalities; Classes, Collectivities and Corporate Actors; II. Management in Class and Organization Structures; Ownership and Management Strategy; International Management and the Class Structure; Managers and Social Classes.
  • Technical Workers: A Class and Organisational AnalysisIII. Class Restructuring and Organizations; Disorganised Capitalism and Social Class; Managing the Multinationals: The Emerging Theory of the Multinational Enterprise and Its Implications for Labour Resistance; Work Organization Under Technological Change: Sources of Differentiation and the Reproduction of Social Inequality in Processes of Change; The New Rise of Self-Employment and Industrial Structure; IV. The Labour Process, Class Structure and Gender; Exploring the Class and Organisational Implications of the UK Financial Services.
  • Organization and Class: Burawoy in BirminghamThe Class/Gender/Organization Nexus; Masculine/Feminine Organization: Class versus Gender in Swedish Unions; V. Classless Organizations?; Between Class Analysis and Organization Theory: Mental Labour; Against the Current: Organizational Sociology and Socialism; Political Domination and Reproduction of Classless Organizations; Socialised Industry: Social Ownership or Shareholding Democracy?; Notes on Contributors; Index.