
Spring 5.0 By Example : Grasp the fundamentals of Spring 5.0 to build modern, robust, and scalable Java applications.

With growing demands, organizations are looking for systems that are robust and scalable. Therefore, the Spring Framework has become the most popular framework for Java development. It not only simplifies software development but also improves developer productivity. This book covers effective ways...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: De Oliveira, Claudio Eduardo
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Birmingham : Packt Publishing, 2018.
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Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Cover; Copyright and Credits; Dedication; Packt Upsell; Contributors; Table of Contents; Preface; Chapter 1: Journey to the Spring World; Spring modularity; Spring Core Framework; Core container; Spring Messaging; Spring AMQP; Spring for Apache Kafka; Spring JMS; Spring Web MVC; Spring WebFlux; Spring Data; Spring Security; Spring Cloud; Spring Cloud Netflix; Spring Cloud Config; Spring Cloud Consul; Spring Cloud Security; Spring Cloud Bus; Spring Cloud Stream; Spring Integration; Spring Boot; Microservices and Spring Boot; Setting up our development environment; Installing OpenJDK.
  • Installing MavenInstalling IDE; IntelliJ IDEA; Spring Tools Suite; Installing Docker; Introducing Docker concepts; Docker images; Containers; Docker networks; Docker volumes; Docker commands; Docker run; Docker container; Docker network; Docker volume; Summary; Chapter 2: Starting in the Spring World â#x80;#x93; the CMS Application; Creating the CMS application structure; The CMS project; Project metadata section; The dependencies section; Generating the project; Running the application; Looking under the hood; Running the application; IntelliJ IDEA; Command line; Command line via the Maven goal.
  • Command line via the JAR fileCreating the REST resources; Models; Adding Lombok dependency; Creating the models; Tag; Category; User; News; Hello REST resources; Creating the CategoryResource class; UserResource; NewsResource; Adding service layer; Changes in the model; Adding a new review; Keeping the news safely; Before starting the service layer; CategoryService; UserService; NewsService; Configuring Swagger for our APIs; Adding dependencies to pom.xml; Configuring Swagger; First documented API; Integrate with AngularJS; AngularJS concepts; Controllers; Services.
  • Creating the application entry pointCreating the Category Controller; Creating the Category Service; Summary; Chapter 3: Persistence with Spring Data and Reactive Fashion; Learning the basics of Docker; Preparing MongoDB; Preparing a PostgreSQL database; Spring Data project; Spring Data JPA; Configuring pom.xml for Spring Data JPA; Configuring the Postgres connections; Mapping the models; Adding the JPA repositories in the CMS application; Configuring transactions; Installing and configuring pgAdmin3; Checking the data on the database structure; Creating the final data access layer.
  • Spring Data MongoDBRemoving the PostgreSQL and Spring Data JPA dependencies; Mapping the domain model; Configuring the database connection; Adding the repository layer; Checking the persistence; Creating the Docker image for CMS; Configuring the docker-maven-plugin; Adding the plugin on pom.xml; Pushing the image to Docker Hub; Configuring the Docker Spring profile; Running the Dockerized CMS; Putting in Reactive fashion; Reactive Spring; Project Reactor; Components; Hot and cold; Reactive types; Let's play with the Reactor; Spring WebFlux; Event-loop model.