
Ephesians Verse by Verse.

Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Osborne, Grant R.
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Lexham Press, 2017.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Intro
  • Title Page
  • Copyright
  • Contents
  • Series Preface
  • Introduction to Ephesians
  • Author
  • Date
  • Recipients
  • Purpose
  • Literary Features
  • Outline
  • The Theology of the Letter
  • The Work of the Trinity in This World
  • The Exalted Christ
  • The Gift of Salvation
  • The Church as the Body of Christ
  • The Defeat of the Cosmic Powers
  • The Blessings of Salvation (1:1-14)
  • Paul Greets the Ephesian Christians (1:1-2)
  • Paul Lists Five Blessings of Salvation that Stem from God and Christ (1:3-14)
  • Introduction: Spiritual Blessings in the Heavenlies (1:3)
  • Blessing 1: Predestination (1:4-6)
  • Chosen to Be Holy and Blameless (1:4)
  • Chosen for Sonship (1:5)
  • Purpose: For the Praise of His Glory (1:6)
  • Blessing 2: Redemption (1:7)
  • Blessing 3: The Mystery of His Will (1:8-10)
  • Blessing 4: His Divine Plan (1:11-12)
  • Blessing 5: Being Sealed with the Spirit (1:13-14)
  • A Prayer for Knowledge and Power (1:15-23)
  • Paul Gives Thanks for the Good News about Their Spiritual State (1:15-16)
  • Paul Prays for Wisdom and Knowledge for the Ephesians (1:17-19A)
  • Wisdom from the Spirit (1:17)
  • God's Rich Gifts (1:18-19A)
  • God's Mighty Strength Is Seen in the Resurrection and Exaltation of Christ (1:19B-20)
  • God's Mighty Strength Is Seen in Jesus' Authority and Dominion over All (1:21-22A)
  • God's Mighty Strength Is Seen in Jesus' Headship over All for the Church (1:22B-23)
  • Summary of the Blessings of Salvation (2:1-10)
  • Sin Leads to Bondage and Death (2:1-3)
  • Their Terrible Predicament: Dead in Sin (2:1)
  • Their Terrible Predicament: Bondage to Sin and the Flesh (2:2-3)
  • Mercy Leads to Being Made Alive with Christ (2:4-7)
  • God's Love Leads Him to Give Us Life (2:4-5)
  • God's Love Leads Him to Seat Us with Christ in the Heavenlies (2:6-7)
  • Paul Presents a Summary: The Free Gift of Grace (2:8-10).
  • The Gospel Message Is "Saved by Grace through Faith" (2:8-9)
  • The New Creation Makes Good Works Possible (2:10)
  • The New United People of God: Jews and Gentiles (2:11-22)
  • Paul Discusses the Past and Present State of the Gentiles (2:11-13)
  • The Former State: Uncircumcised and Excluded (2:11-12)
  • The Present State: Brought near By Jesus' Blood (2:13)
  • Paul Discusses the New Peace and Unity Achieved in Christ (2:14-18)
  • Achieved by the Removal of the Dividing Wall (2:14-15A)
  • A New, United Humanity, Reconciled through Christ (2:15B-16)
  • Peace Proclaimed to Both Jew and Gentile (2:17)
  • Conclusion: Both Have Access to God by the Spirit (2:18)
  • Paul Discusses the New Citizenship and Building We Have in Christ (2:19-22)
  • The Gentiles: No Longer Foreigners but Citizens (2:19)
  • God's New Building: A Temple (2:20-22)
  • The Apostles the Foundation and Christ the Cornerstone (2:20)
  • The Building Erected as God's Temple (2:21-22)
  • Paul's Stewardship of God's Mystery (3:1-13)
  • God Reveals the Mystery (3:1-7)
  • The Introduction of an Intercessory Prayer (3:1)
  • Paul's Stewardship of the Mystery of God's Grace (3:2-3)
  • The Need to Understand the Mystery Now Revealed (3:4-5)
  • The Mystery as the Inclusion of the Gentiles in the Church (3:6)
  • Paul Called to Be a Servant of This Mystery (3:7)
  • Paul's Ministry Is Making Known the Mystery (3:8-13)
  • The Twofold Nature of His Mission (3:8-9)
  • Proclaiming Christ's Riches to the Gentiles (3:8)
  • Illuminating the Hidden Truths of the Mystery (3:9)
  • Revealing the Church's Mission to the Cosmic Powers (3:10-12)
  • God's Wisdom Made Known to the Cosmic Powers (3:10)
  • The Dimensions of the Mission Made Known in the Church (3:11-12)
  • Conclusion: An Admonition Not to Be Discouraged (3:13)
  • A Prayer Request for Power and Love (3:14-21).
  • Paul Solemnly Addresses the Father (3:14-15)
  • Paul Prays for the Ephesian Christians (3:16-19)
  • Prayer for Strength and the Indwelling Presence of Christ (3:16-17)
  • Prayer for a Deeper Grasp of God's Power and Love (3:18-19A)
  • Prayer that We Might Be Filled with the Fullness of God (3:19B)
  • Paul Concludes This Prayer with a Doxology (3:20-21)
  • Praising the God Who Does More than We Can Imagine (3:20)
  • Praising the God Who Deserves Eternal Glory (3:21)
  • Unity and Diversity in the Church (4:1-6)
  • The Basis of the Challenge Is a Life Worthy of the Call (4:1)
  • Four Sets of Qualities Produce Unity (4:2-3)
  • The Goal Is the Oneness of the Church (4:4-6)
  • The Spirit: One Body, One Spirit, One Hope (4:4)
  • The Lord: One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism (4:5)
  • The Father: Of All, over All, through All (4:6)
  • Unity through Diversity (4:7-16)
  • The Grace of Christ Is Given to Every Member (4:7-10)
  • Christ's Grace-Gift Grounded in Psalm 68:18 (4:7-8)
  • Christ's Grace-Gift Grounded in His Exaltation as Lord of All (4:9-10)
  • God Gives the Church Leaders Who Help It Grow (4:11-16)
  • The Gifts Given: The Leaders of the Church (4:11)
  • The Purpose and Goal of the Church (4:12-13)
  • The Danger of False Teachers (4:14)
  • The Formula for Producing Mature Churches (4:15-16)
  • Living out the New Life in Christ (4:17-24)
  • Paul Critiques the Pagan Way of Life (4:17-19)
  • Mandate to Reject the Futile Conduct of the Gentiles (4:17)
  • The Terrible Lifestyle of the Pagan World (4:18-19)
  • The Christian Way Is to Replace the Old (4:20-24)
  • The New Truth in Jesus (4:20-21)
  • The New Way: Take off the Old (4:22)
  • Replace the Old with New Clothes (4:23-24)
  • Vices and Virtues in the New Community (4:25-5:2)
  • Paul Provides Practical Exhortations regarding the Old and the New (4:25-30)
  • Stop Lying and Tell the Truth (4:25).
  • Stop Being Angry and Gain Control (4:26-27)
  • Stop Stealing and Work Hard to Help Others (4:28)
  • Stop Foul Talk and Build up Others (4:29-30)
  • Conclusion: Grieving the Holy Spirit (4:30)
  • Paul Provides a Catalogue of Vices and Virtues (4:31-32)
  • The Negative: Five Vices Involving Anger (4:31)
  • The Positive: Three Virtues Stemming from Love (4:32)
  • Paul Presents the Supreme Virtue: Love (5:1-2)
  • Imitating Our Loving God (5:1)
  • Christ as the Model (5:2)
  • The Movement from Darkness to Light (5:3-14)
  • Paul Warns about the Deeds of Darkness (5:3-7)
  • Warning to Stay Away from Shameful Sins (5:3-4)
  • Result: Loss of Inheritance and Divine Wrath (5:5-6)
  • Further Warning: Don't Partner with Them (5:7)
  • Paul Encourages the Ephesians to Live as Children of Light (5:8-14)
  • Conduct Yourselves as Light (5:8-10)
  • Walking as Light (5:8)
  • The Fruit of Light (5:9)
  • The Result: Pleasing the Lord (5:10)
  • Expose the Deeds of Darkness (5:11-12)
  • The Illuminating Power of the Light (5:13)
  • Challenge to Be Alert (5:14)
  • Living in the Spirit (5:15-21)
  • The Christian Is Not to Walk Unwisely and in Ignorance (5:15-17)
  • Not Unwise but Wise, Using Every Opportunity (5:15-16)
  • Not Ignorant but Understanding the Lord's Will (5:17)
  • The Christian Should Walk in the Spirit (5:18-21)
  • The Key: Filled by the Spirit (5:18)
  • The Characteristics of Life in the Spirit (5:19-21)
  • A New Worship Filled with Joy (5:19)
  • Continuous Thanksgiving (5:20)
  • Mutual Submission (5:21)
  • Submission in Household Relationships, Part 1: Husband and Wife (5:21-33)
  • Paul Presents the Key Attitude: Mutual Submission (5:21)
  • Paul Teaches about the Submission of the Wife (5:22-24)
  • Her Duty to Submit as to the Lord (5:22)
  • The Reason for Her Submission (5:23-24)
  • The Headship of the Husband (5:23a).
  • The Model of Christ as Head (5:23b-24a)
  • Conclusion: Submit in Everything (5:24b)
  • Paul Teaches about the Sacrifical Love of the Husband as Head (5:25-27)
  • The Command to Love (5:25A)
  • The Model for Love: Christ and the Church (5:25B-27)
  • The Reality of His Sacrificial Love (5:25b)
  • The Three Purposes or Goals of Christ's Love for the Church (5:26-27)
  • Paul Culminates His Emphasis with Reasons for the Husband's Love (5:28-30)
  • To Love Your Wife Is to Love Yourself (5:28)
  • The Need to Feed and Care for Your Own Body, Your Wife (5:29)
  • We Are Members of His Body (5:30)
  • Paul Concludes with the Nature of the Husband-Wife Relationship (5:31-33)
  • The Basis: The Two Constitute One Flesh (5:31)
  • The Great Mystery of Marriage (5:32-33)
  • The Mystery: Christ and the Church (5:32)
  • The Heart of the Matter: Love of the Husband, Respect of the Wife (5:33)
  • Submission in Household Relationships, Part 2: Parent-Child and Master-Slave (6:1-9)
  • Paul Instructs Parents and Children (6:1-4)
  • Instructions to Children (6:1-3)
  • Obey Your Parents (6:1)
  • Honor Your Parents (6:2-3)
  • Instructions to Parents: Don't Provoke, but Build up Your Children (6:4)
  • Paul Instructs Slaves and Masters (6:5-9)
  • Instructions to Slaves (6:5-8)
  • Obey with Respect and Recognize Responsibility to Christ (6:5)
  • Obey as Slaves of Christ (6:6)
  • Serve as to the Lord-He Will Reward You (6:7-8)
  • Instructions to Masters: Fair Treatment (6:9)
  • Putting on the Whole Armor of God (6:10-24)
  • Paul Gives an Opening Admonition to Be Strong in the Lord (6:10)
  • Given the Presence of the Opposing Powers, Paul Stresses the Need for Strength (6:11-13)
  • The Danger: The Devil's Strategies (6:11)
  • The Opponents in the War (6:12)
  • The Whole Armor: Standing Firm in the Battle (6:13)
  • Paul Describes the Pieces of Armor (6:14-17).