Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Introduction; Ecological and Biogeochemical Cycling in Impacted Polar Ecosystems; Abstract; Part I. Ecological and Biogeochemical Cycling; Chapter 1; Ecological and Biogeochemical Footprints of Possible Climate Alterations in Polar Areas; Abstract; Introduction; Ecological Footprints of Climate Changes in Polar Ecosystems; Biogeochemical Footprints of Climate Changes; Temperature Rating of Biogeochemical Cycling; Forecast of Climate Change on the Yamal Peninsula; Conclusion; Conflict of Interest; Acknowledgments; References; Chapter 2.
  • Comparative Assessment of Carbon and Nitrogen Pools in Tundra Ecosystem SoilsAbstract; Introduction; Soil Samples Description; Conclusion; Acknowledgment; Conflict of Interest; References; Chapter 3; Assessing the in Situ Emission of Gases in Tundra Ecosystems; Abstract; Introduction; Methods; Field Monitoring Results; Conclusion; Conflict of Interest; The authors confirm that this article content has no conflicts of interest.; Acknowledgment; References; Chapter 4; Ecological Interactions in Biogeochemical Cycles of Carbon and Nitrogen; Abstract; Introduction.
  • Relationship between Climate Change and Biogeochemical Cycles of Nitrogen and CarbonExperimental Modeling of the Carbon and Nitrogen Cycle Processes; The Effect of Temperature on Heterotrophic Respiration; The Effect of Temperature on Microbial Biomass and Community Structure; Soil Fractionation; Conclusion; Conflict of Interest; Acknowledgments; References; Chapter 5; Bioproductivity of Tundra Ecosystems and Nitrogen Uptake by Plants; Abstract; Introduction; Evaluation of Changes in the Biological Productivity; Methods; Results; Nitrogen Compounds Uptake by Plants of Tundra Ecosystems.
  • MethodsResults; Conclusion; Acknowledgments; Conflict of Interest; References; Part II. Biogeochemical Technologies Based on Ecological and Biogeochemical Cycling; Chapter 6; Activity of Catalase and Dehydrogenase Enzymes as a Tool for Controlling the Soil Reclamation Process; Abstract; Introduction; Materials and Methods; Results and Discussion; Conclusion; Conflict of Interest; Acknowledgments; References; Chapter 7; NMR C13 Measurements for Assessing Humates from Tundra Peats; Abstract; Introduction.
  • 1. Theoretical Justification of the Method Using 13C-NMR Spectroscopy for Analysis of Humic Substances2. C13 NMR Spectroscopy for Analyzing Humic Substances Extracted from Peat of Yamburg Gas Condensate Field; 2.1. Extraction of Humates from Peat Samples from the Territory Yamburg GCF; 2.2. Conducting Analytical Work to Identify the Structures of Isolated Humatic Compounds Using Modern Analytical Methods; 2.3. Extraction of Humates; Conclusion; Conflict of Interest; Acknowledgments; References; Chapter 8.