Tabla de Contenidos:
  • ch. 1 Introduction: A kaleidoscopic view of identity struggles at work / Dorien Van De Mieroop
  • pt. I Struggling to construct professional competence
  • ch. 2 Coping with uncertainty: Gender and leadership identities in UK corporate life / Judith Baxter
  • ch. 3 Constructing a "competent" meeting chair: A study of the discourse of meeting chairing in a Hong Kong workplace / Angela Chan
  • ch. 4 Juggling T's and "we"s with "he"s and "she"s: Negotiating novice professional identities in stories of teamwork told in New Zealand job interviews / Sophie Reissner-Roubicek
  • ch. 5 Epistemic "Struggles": When nurses' expert identity is challenged by "knowledgeable" clients / Stephanie Schnurr
  • ch. 6 Who's the expert? Negotiating competence and authority in guided tours / Lorenza Mondada
  • pt. II Struggling to (de-)construct in-group membership
  • ch. 7 You're a proper tradesman mate: Identity struggles and workplace transitions in New Zealand / Meredith Marra
  • ch. 8 Indian women at work: Struggling between visibility and invisibility / Dorien Van De Mieroop
  • ch. 9 dynamics of identity struggle in interdisciplinary meetings in higher education / Keith Richards
  • ch. 10 Laughables as a resource for foregrounding shared knowledge and shared identities in intercultural interactions in Scandinavia / Louise Tranekjaer
  • ch. 11 Workplace conflicts as (re)source for analysing identity struggles in stories told in interviews / Marlene Miglbauer
  • ch. 12 Identities on a learning curve: Female migrant narratives and the construction of identities of (non)participation in Communities of Practice / Dorien Van De Mieroop
  • pt. III Struggling to combine (sometimes competing) expectations
  • ch. 13 Managing patients' expectations in telephone complaints in Scotland / May McCreaddie
  • ch. 14 Identity work in nurse-client interactions in selected community hospitals in Kenya / Benson Oduor Ojwang
  • ch. 15 Èven if there were procedures, we will be acting at our own discretion...': General practitioners' struggle about identity / Agnieszka Sowinska
  • ch. 16 Kind of work: Narratives from Canadian Indigenous women / Jens Brockmeier
  • ch. 17 Adapting self for private and public audiences: The enactment of leadership identity by New Zealand rugby coaches in huddles and interviews / Nick Wilson
  • ch. 18 "I speak French=eh": Multilingualism and professional identity struggles in Luxembourg / Anne Franziskus
  • pt. IV Struggling to define identity boundaries
  • ch. 19 discursive accomplishment of identity during veterinary medical consultations in the UK / Robin Burrow
  • ch. 20 Embracing a new professional identity: The case of social work in Botswana / Sue Wharton
  • ch. 21 Identity and space: Discourse perspectives / Gerlinde Mautner
  • ch. 22 Household workers' use of directives to negotiate their professional identity in Lima, Peru / Susana de los Hews
  • ch. 23 Ẁe're only here to help': Identity struggles in foreign domestic helper narratives / Hans J. Ladegaard
  • ch. 24 Epilogue: Identity struggles as a reflection of knowledge, competing norms, and attempts for social change / Stephanie Schnurr.