Tabla de Contenidos:
  • 1. Forty-five years of researching the culture and behavior link / Harry C. Triandis
  • 2. The universal and the specific in the 21st century management / Geert Hofstede
  • 3. Cross-cultural social psychology and the real world of culturally diverse teams and dyads / Michael Harris Bond
  • 4. Meeting the challenge of cultural difference / Peter B. Smith
  • 5. Using emics and etics in cross-cultural organizational studies : universal and local, tacit and explicit / Mark F. Peterson and S. Antonio Ruiz Quintanilla
  • 6. Human resource management in a global world : the contigency framework extended / Rosalie L. Tung and David C. Thomas
  • 7. Cultural diversity in cross-border alliances / Susan E. Jackson and Randall S. Schuler
  • 8. Knowledge in cross-cultural management in the era of globalization : where do we go from here? / Rabi S. Bhagatt, B. Ram Baliga, Karen South Moustafa and Balaji Krishnan.