Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Britain and the Yugoslav general election of November 1945 / Jim Evans
  • Primitivism and the modern : a prolonged misunderstanding / Felicity Rosslyn
  • The rhetoric of economics : Cold War representation of development in the Balkans / Michael Haynes
  • The red threat : Cold War rhetoric and the British novel / Andrew Hammond
  • Seeing red : America and its allies through the eyes of Enver Hoxha / Timothy Less
  • Paradoxes of occidentalism : on travel literature in Ceaușescu's Romania / Alex Drace-Francis
  • Images of the West in Serbian and Croatian prose fiction, 1945-1995 / Celia Hawkesworth
  • Western writing and the (re)construction of the Balkans after 1989 : the Bulgarian case / Yonka Krasteva
  • Albanians, Albanianism and the strategic subversion of stereotypes / Stephanie Schwandner-Sievers
  • Albania after isolation : the transformation of public perceptions of the West / Fatos Lubonja
  • Between a Balkan "home" and the "West" : popular conceptions of the West in Bulgaria after 1945 / Galia I. Valtchinova
  • Milošević, Serbia and the West during the Yugoslav wars 1991-95 / Tom Gallagher
  • Savage tribes and mystic feuds : Western foreign policy statement on Bosnia in the early 1990s / Riikka Kuusisto
  • The Balkans conflict and the emergence of the information operations doctrine / Philip M. Taylor
  • War in the hall of mirrors : NATO bombing and Serbian cinema / Nevena Daković.