Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Ch. 1. Definition and location : the London mercery, 1130s-1230s
  • ch. 2. 'The poor pedlar makes more noise crying his goods than does a rich mercer all his valuable wares' : the mercery trade in the thirteenth century
  • ch. 3. The origins and early associations of London mercers, 1270s-1340s
  • ch. 4. 'Loving companions who are dwelling in the good city of London' : the commonalty of the mercery
  • ch. 5. The company and the city 1348-94 : from the black death to the first charter
  • ch. 6. 'Le compaignie del mercerie que dieux veul garder de male et de perile et tutditz convoier a bon aventure' : the move into mercantile status, 1290s-1430
  • ch. 7. Success on all sides : the mercers in fifteenth-century London
  • ch. 8. The mercery trade in London : prosperity and conflict
  • ch. 9. 'C'était une vie d'aventures semblable à celle des chevaliers' : the mercer's ascendancy among the adventurers in the low countries, 1430s-85
  • ch. 10. 'All merchandise shall have its course and merchants to have their communication each with other' : trade, 1430s-85
  • ch. 11. 'Give to every man that which is his' : the mercers and the merchant adventurers, 1485-1520s
  • ch. 12. New responsibilities and losses, 1490s-1550s
  • ch. 13. Religious change, wealth and faith
  • ch. 14. 'The present understanding of the feat of the merchant adventurer' : overseas trade, 1520s-80s
  • ch. 15. The demise of the medieval mercery
  • ch. 16. 'A sample and light' : charity and Protestantism
  • ch. 17. A new company?