
Cult of Sol Invictus.

Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Halsberghe, Gaston
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Boston : BRILL, 2015.
Colección:Études Préliminaires Aux Religions Orientales Dans l'Empire Romain Ser.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • THE CULT OF SOL INVICTUS; CONTENTS; Introduction; I. The Literary Texts; II. The sun cult up to the first century of the Empire; III. The Eastern religions: their distribution and adherents; IV. Sol Invictus Elagabal; 1. Before A.D. 218; 2. The first steps after his accession; a) The political background; b) The religious reforms; 3. The establishment of the cult of Sol Invictus Elagabal at Rome; a) The arrival of Elagabalus in Rome; b) The founding of the temples; c) The priests of Sol Invictus Elagabal; d) The dogma; e) The ritual; 4. The theogamy of Sol Invictus Elagabal.
  • A) The theogamy with Minervab) The theogamy with Dea Caelestis; 5. A cult adoption; 6. The end of Elagabalus; the damnatio memoriae; V. The continuation of the cult of Sol Invictus; 1. Traces in Rome; 2. The spread of the cult; 3. Sol Invictus and the legions; 4. Sol Invictus Mithra and Sol Invictus Elagabal; 5. Iconic representation of Sol Invictus Elagabal; VI. The reign of Aurelian; 1. Spring A.D. 270 to the end of 275; 2. The religious reforms instituted by Aurelian; 3. The essence of the new cult; 4. Deus Sol Invictus is a true Roman sun god.