Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Online brand communities. Value creating capabilities of brand communities on Facebook; Abstract; Table of contents; A
  • Introduction; 1. Aim of this study; 2. Study outline; 3. Study relevance; B
  • Critical Literature Review; 1. Brands and their social meaning; 2. Consumer Brand Relationships; 2.1. Consumers and their brands; 2.2. Consumer brand relationships criticism; 2.3. Internet as relationship facilitator; 2.4. Online relationships; 2.5. Fandom and consumer-brand devotion; 3. Brand Community Research; 3.1. Brand community; 3.2. E-tribes; 3.3. Virtual communities; 3.4. Social Networking.
  • 3.5. Interpersonal relationships online4. Value Creation Practices; 4.1. Empowered consumers; 4.2. Additional value of relationships; 4.3. Brand community practices creating value; 4.4. Co-creation of value; 4.5. How value is co-created; C
  • Research Methodology; 1. Research philosophies; 1.1. Positivism; 1.2. Interpretivism; 2. Qualitative vs. quantitative data; 3. Adopted research philosophy and research approach; 3.1. Interpretivist paradigm; 3.2. Qualitative netnographic approach; 4. Data collection process; 4.1. Archival Data; 4.2. Elicted Data; 4.3. Fieldnotes.
  • 5. Data analysis and interpretation procedures5.1. Hermeneutic data analysis; 6. Trustworthiness of study; 6.1. Reliability; 6.2. Validity; D
  • Data Analysis; 1. Exchanging brand narratives; 2. Celebrating brand love; 3. Support and information resource; 4. Pressure valve for discontent; E
  • Conclusions; F
  • Recommendations; G
  • References; H
  • Appendix; 1. Interview themes.