Tabla de Contenidos:
  • TO BUILD AN AFGHAN NATION; TO BUILD AN AFGHAN NATION; CONTENTS; PREFACE; Chapter 1 AFGHANISTAN: POST-TALIBAN GOVERNANCE, SECURITY, AND U.S. POLICY; SUMMARY; BACKGROUND; From Early History to the 19th Century; Early 20th Century and Cold War Era; Soviet Invasion and Occupation Period; The Seven Major "Mujahedin" Parties and Their Activities; Geneva Accords (1988) and Soviet Withdrawal; The Mujahedin Government and Rise of the Taliban; Taliban Rule (September 1996-November 2001); US Policy Toward the Taliban During Its Rule/Bin Laden Presence; The "Northern Alliance" Congeals.
  • Policy Pre-September 11, 2001September 11 Attacks and Operation Enduring Freedom; Post-Taliban Governance-Building Efforts; Consulates in Mazar-e-Sharif and Herat; SECURITY POLICY, 2011-2014 "TRANSITION, AND BEYOND"; Who Is "the Enemy"? Taliban, Haqqani, Al Qaeda, and Others; Groups: The Taliban ("Quetta Shura Taliban"); Al Qaeda/Bin Laden; Hikmatyar Faction; Haqqani Faction; Pakistani Groups; Insurgent Tactics; Insurgent Financing: Narcotics Trafficking and Other Methods; The US-Led Military Effort: 2001-2008; Perception of "Victory," Followed by Setback and Deterioration.
  • Start of the BuildupObama Administration Surge; Review and December 1, 2009, Surge and Transition Announcement; McChrystal Replaced by Petraeus; July 2011 "Deadline" Becomes "Transition" by the End of 2014; Surge Implementation and Results; Transition and Drawdown; Unwinding of the Surge Announced June 22, 2011; Transition Continues: Second Tranche; Mission Changes with Drawdown: Faster Transition to Afghan Combat Lead; Legislatively Mandated Accelerated Drawdown?; Beyond 2014: Long-Term Commitment/Strategic Partnership Agreement/Alternatives; Strategic Partnership Agreement.
  • Threats to Long-Term US Presence: Civilian Casualtiesand Quran-Mishandling ProtestsAlternatives for the Post-Transition Period; Make Concessions to the Taliban/De-Facto Partition; Transition Pillar: Building Afghan Forces and Establishing Rule of Law; Current and Post-2014 Size of the Force; ANSF Funding; NATO Trust Fund for the ANA; Law and Order Trust Fund for the ANP; Other Bilateral Donations; Training Overview; The Afghan National Army (ANA); ANA Ethnic and Factional Considerations; Afghan Air Force; Afghan National Police (ANP).
  • Supplements to the National Police: Afghan Local Police (ALP)and Other Local ForcesRule of Law/Criminal Justice Sector; Policy Component: Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRTs); Karzai Criticism of PRTs; Cooperation with Allies/Managing the 2014 Exit; Major Contingent Developments During the US "Surge"US partners note that they have repeatedly answered; National "Caveats" on Combat Operations; Security/Political Initiatives to Facilitate the Transition; "Reintegration" and "Reconciliation" with Insurgents; Reintegration/"Peace Jirga."