Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Cover; Half-title ; Title page ; Copyright information ; Dedication ; Table of contents ; Acknowledgments ; 1 Introduction ; Development and Politics ; Ethiopia as a Laboratory ; A History of the Future ; Exploring Technical Artefacts and Technological Visions ; Plan of the Book ; 2 Technopolitics, Communication Technologies, and Development Networks of Technologies ; Networks of Discourses ; Networks of Actors ; The Space of Power ; Technopolitics, ICTs, and Development ; 3 Avoiding Politics: International and Local Discourses on ICTs ; Global Discourses Go Local The UNECA and the African Information Society Initiative ; Re-interpreting ICTs: Modernization, Globalization, and Democratization in the Ethiopian Context ; Modernizing Ethiopia ; Globalization is a Double-Edge Sword ; Liberal Democracy and Revolutionary Democracy The Ethiopian Government's Response ; The Marginalization of Non-State Actors in the Development of an Approach to ICTs ; International Alignments: Importing New Solutions to Old Problems ; Disillusionment and Disengagement.
  • Liberal Democracy and Revolutionary Democracy The Ethiopian Government's Response ; The Marginalization of Non-State Actors in the Development of an Approach to ICTs ; International Alignments: Importing New Solutions to Old Problems ; Disillusionment and Disengagement ; Liberal Democracy and Revolutionary Democracy The Ethiopian Government's Response ; The Marginalization of Non-State Actors in the Development of an Approach to ICTs ; International Alignments: Importing New Solutions to Old Problems ; Disillusionment and Disengagement ; The Response of the Diaspora: Failing to Engage and Waving Conflict Conclusion ; 4 A Quest for Hegemony: The Use of ICTs in Support of the Ethiopian National Project ; Ethnic Federalism and the Re-foundation of the Nation-State ; Ethnic Federalism, and Its Discontents ; The Response of the Diaspora: Failing to Engage and Waving Conflict Conclusion ; 4 A Quest for Hegemony: The Use of ICTs in Support of the Ethiopian National Project ; Ethnic Federalism and the Re-foundation of the Nation-State ; Ethnic Federalism, and Its Discontents ; Ethnic Federalism in Practice: Building the State to Build the Nation.