
Geriatric orthoptics and non-paretic diplopia in adults /

Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Stangler-Zuschrott, Elfriede (Autor)
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: New York : Nova Biomedical, [2016]
Colección:Eye and vision research developments series.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Preface; Abbreviations; List of Figures; Chapter 1; The Basics of Orthoptics; 1.1. Introduction; 1.1.1 Sensorial Conditions of Normal Binocularity; 1.1.2. The Rules of Binocular Motoricity; 1.2. Diagnostics of Binocular Diplopia; 1.2.1. Monocular or Binocular Diplopia or Both?; Causes of Monocular Diplopia; 1.2.2. The Anamnesis; 1.2.3. Preconditioning Steps; 1.2.4. Orthoptic Examinations; The eye Motoricity; Convergence; The Red Glass Test; The Cover Test (CT); Measuring Eye Deviations; Examination of Binocular Functions
  • Chapter 2Geriatric Orthoptics; 2.1. Introduction; 2.1.1. The Physiological Aging Processes Concerning Binocularity; 2.1.2. Extraordinary Aspects of Pathologic Diplopia in the Presence of Normal Retinal Correspondence (NRC); 2.2. Esotropia of Prebyopic Age or; Age-Related Distance Esotropia; Summary; 2.2.1. Introduction; 2.2.2. The Patients; 2.2.3. Diagnosis; 2.2.4. Treatment; Prismatic Glasses; Motility Exercises; Eye Muscle Surgery [23]; 2.2.5. Conclusion; 2.3. Prismatic Glasses Prescribed Outwards and My Own Principles; 2.3.1. Introduction; 2.3.2. The Practice
  • 2.3.3. My Principles for Prism Correction [32]2.3.4. Conclusion; 2.4. Age-Related Maculopathy; Summary; 2.4.1. Introduction; 2.4.2. Refraction and Prescription of Glasses; 2.4.3. The Importance of Restoring Binocularity for Reading; 2.4.4. Procedure for Fitting Prisms in Cases of Near-Distance Exotropia; 2.4.5. Factors Influencing the Development of a Squint Position; 2.4.6. The Binocular Influence on the Reading Speed: Study 3 (25 Patients); 2.4.7. Conclusion; 2.5. Diplopia and Severe Loss of Vision; 2.5.1. Introduction; 2.5.2. Examination Methods and Fitting Prisms; 2.5.3. Patients
  • 2.5.4. Treatment2.6. Divergent Squint and Age; 2.6.1. Introduction; 2.6.2. Age-Related Near Exotropia (12 Cases); 2.6.3. Exotropia and Age-Related Maculopathy (17 Cases); 2.6.4. Decompensating Exophorias (13 Cases); 2.6.5. Divergent Squint since Childhood (36 Cases); 2.6.6. Refractive Causes and Combined Vertical- Divergent Squint (5 Cases); 2.6.7. Divergent Squint Following Severe Eye Diseases (30 Cases); 2.7. Glaucoma and Binocularity; Summary; 2.7.1. Introduction; 2.7.2. The Examination Methods and Patients, a Clinical Study (Collaborator Rupert Menapace); 2.7.3. Results
  • 2.7.4. Reading Ability Assessment2.7.5. Conclusion; 2.8. Pseudophakia and Binocular Problems; 2.8.1. Introduction; 2.8.2. Does Moderate Decentration of an IOL Play a Role for Binocularity?; 2.8.3. Change of Prismatic Correction After Cataract Operations; 2.8.4. Pseudophakic Monovision Surgery; 2.8.5. Toxic Impairment of Eye Muscles by Local Anesthetic Drugs for Peri- or Retrobulbar Injections; Chapter 3; Neuroophthalmology, ; Infantile Squint and Age; 3.1. The Device for Binocular Infrared Reflexion Oculography (IROG) by Bouis