Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Texan identities: moving beyond myth, memory, and fallacy in Texas history / Light Townsend Cummins and Mary L. Scheer
  • Line in the soil, lines on the soul: the Battle of the Alamo in myth, memory, and history / Stephen L. Hardin
  • Unequal citizens: women, rights, and myth in the Texas Constitution of 1836 / Mary L. Scheer
  • The Texas Rangers in myth and memory / Jody Edward Ginn
  • On becoming Texans: nineteenth-century Jewish immigrants claim their German identity / Kay Goldman
  • Ethel Tunstall Drought: San Antonio Club woman and art patron / Light Townsend Cummins
  • W.W. Jones of South Texas: pioneer rancher and capitalist / Patrick Cox
  • Delgado v. Bastrop: civil rights and identity in Texas history / Gene B. Preuss.