
Web developer's reference guide : a one-stop guide to the essentials of web development including popular frameworks such a jQuery, Bootstrap, AngularJS, and Node.js /


Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autores principales: Johanan, Joshua (Autor), Zea, Ricardo (Autor), Khan, Talha (Autor)
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Birmingham, UK : Packt Publishing, 2016.
Colección:Community experience distilled.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Cover; Copyright; Credits; About the Authors; About the Reviewers;; Table of Contents; Preface; Chapter 1: HTML Elements; DOCTYPE; Attributes; Description; html; Attributes; Description; Document metadata; head; Semantic content sections; body; section; nav; Headings; header; footer; address; aside; p; Content sections; hr; pre; blockquote; ol; ul; li; dl; dt; dd; figure; figcaption; div; Inline elements; a; abbr; bdo; br; cite; code; dfn; em; kbd; mark; q; s; samp; small; span; strong; sub; sup; time; var; wbr; Embedded content; img; embed; object; param; video; audio
  • Sourcetrack; Tables; table; caption; colgroup; tbody; thead; tfoot; tr; td; th; Forms; Form; fieldset; legend; label; input; button; select; optgroup; option; textarea; Drawing elements; canvas; svg; Chapter 2: HTML Attributes; Global attributes; accesskey; class; contenteditable; data-*; dir; draggable; id; lang; spellcheck; style; tabindex; title; Miscellaneous; accept; accept-charset; action; alt; async; autocomplete; autofocus; autoplay; autosave; cite; cols; colspan; datetime; disabled; download; content; controls; for; form; formaction; height; href; hreflang; label; list; loop; max
  • Maxlengthmedia; method; min; multiple; name; novalidate; pattern; placeholder; poster; readonly; rel; required; reversed; rows; rowspan; scope; selected; size; src; start; step; type; value; width; wrap; Chapter 3: CSS Concepts and Applications; Basic selectors; The simple selector; The type selectors; The universal selector; The attribute selectors; The class selectors; The ID selectors; Combinators; Descendant combinator; The child combinator; The adjacent sibling combinator; The general sibling combinator; The selector specificity; Pseudo-classes; The link pseudo-classes
  • User action pseudo-classesThe structural selectors; :first-child; :first-of-type; :last-child; :last-of-type; :nth-child(); :nth-last-child; :nth-last-of-type and :nth-of-type; :only-child; :only-of-type; Validation; :checked; :default; :disabled and :enabled; :empty; :in-range and :out-of-range; :invalid and :valid; :not or negation; :optional and :required; :lang(); Pseudo-elements; ::before and ::after; ::first-letter; ::first-line; ::selection; Generated content; content; Quotation marks; Chapter 4: CSS Properties
  • Part 1; Animation; Base markup and CSS; Final CSS code; Background
  • Background-attachmentbackground-blend-mode; background-clip; background-color; background-image; background-origin; Box model; width; height; padding; margin; border; box-sizing; max-height; max-width; min-height; min-width; object-fit; object-position; Border radius; border-radius; Unit; Relative length units; Viewport-relative length units; Absolute length units; Angle data types; Resolution units; Duration units; Column; Flexible box (flexbox); flex-grow; flex-shrink; flex-basis; flex-direction; flex-wrap; flex-flow; align-content; align-items; align-self; order; justify-content; flex