Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Illustrations; Acknowledgments; Introduction: A Latin American Context for Disability Studies; Disability Studies in the Latin American Context; Disability Studies and Latin American Studies: A Transdisciplinary Approach; Concepts in Disability Studies; Literary and Cultural Disability Studies, Latin Americanist Readings; Libre Acceso; Notes; Works Cited; Part I: Disability Life Writing and Constructions of the Self; Chapter 1 Blind Spot (Notes on Reading Blindness); brief retelling of a loss; a loss foretold; closing my eyes; the singular experience; wretched stuff; naming an I.
  • Losing an eye that never abandons youthe corporality of the world; attempting a memory; oblivion's certitude; involuntary trilogy; blood: sweet or fresh; drafting blindness; prior fermentations; women in love; groping in the dark; the curious monster; terror's superior form; suspicions; ocular intelligence; anx-eye-eties; a blindness that cannot be seen; victims, the vision-less, visionaries; blind love; upside down promises; hell; dependence; never stop; the mind's eye; fresh eye; what is irretrievable; Notes; Works Cited.
  • Chapter 2 "La cara que me mira": Demythologizing Blindness in Borges's Disability Life WritingNotes; Works Cited; Chapter 3 Negotiating the Geographies of Exclusion and Access: Life Writing by Gabriela Brimmer and Ekiwah Adler-Beléndez; Notes; Works Cited; Part II: Global Bodies and the Coloniality of Disability; Chapter 4 Otras competencias: Ethnobotany, the Badianus codex, and Metaphors of Mexican Memory Loss and Disability in Las buenas hierbas (2010); Foundations of a Mexican Disability Discourse; A Feminist Ethnobotany; Localizing a Global Diagnostic Paradigm.
  • Hybrids, Copies, and a Third (Age) CinemaImpressions of Loss; Notes; Works Cited; Chapter 5 Cripping the Camera: Disability and Filmic Interval in Carlos Reygadas's Japón; Notes; Works Cited; Chapter 6 Bodily Integrity, Abjection, and the Politics of Gender and Place in Roberto Bolaño's 2666; Notes; Works Cited; Chapter 7 Violence, Injury, and Disability in Recent Latin American Film; Introduction; Disability in Global Contexts; War and Disability; Trauma and Disability; Conclusions; Notes; Works Cited; Part III: Embodied Frameworks: Disability, Race, Marginality.
  • Chapter 8 Sô Candelário's Inheritance: Leprosy as a Marker of Racial Identity in João Guimarães Rosa's Grande Sertão: Veredas (1956)Notes; Works Cited; Chapter 9 "A solidão da escuridão": On Visual Impairment and the Visibility of Race; "Victims of a Physical Darkness"; Synesthetic Language and Afro-Brazilian Metaphor; Between black and Black in The Black Book of Colors; Coloring the World, Blackly; Notes; Works Cited; Chapter 10 Mythicizing Disability: The Life and Opinions of (what is left of) Estamira; Foreword; Introduction.