Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Cover; THE SOUND OF CULTURE; Title; Copyright; Dedication; CONTENTS; Acknowledgments; Introduction; ONE Modernism's Black Mechanics; Of Minstrels and Machines: Tales of the Racial Uncanny; Karel Čapek's Black Myth; Prognosticating Echoes: Race, Sound, and Naturalizing Technology; TWO Humanizing the Machine; Masters, Slaves, and Machines: Race and Victorian Science Fiction; Melville's Man-Machine; Erewhon: Lost Races and Mechanical Souls; THREE Creolization and Technopoetics; Sexing Robots, Creolizing Technology; Cyberpunk's Dubwise Ontology.
  • The Music of Living Machinescapes: Creolization and Artificial IntelligenceFOUR A Caribbean Pre-Posthumanism; Echolocating Surrealism; Sylvia Wynter's Naked Declivity; Caliban's Uncanny Valley; Appendix: A Playlist; Notes; Bibliography; Index; ABOUT THE AUTHOR.