Tabla de Contenidos:
  • PATIENT DUMPING BACKGROUND, PROTECTIONS, AND THE MENTALLY ILL ; PATIENT DUMPING BACKGROUND, PROTECTIONS, AND THE MENTALLY ILL ; Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data; CONTENTS ; PREFACE ; Chapter 1 PATIENT DUMPING* ; EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ; Background ; Briefing Outcomes ; Recommendations ; SECTION 1. INTRODUCTION ; Patient Dumping: A Historical Perspective ; The Passage of EMTALA ; Patient Dumping: Recent Developments ; SECTION 2. THE ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESS TO ENFORCE EMTALA; Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services ; Office of the Inspector General ; Office for Civil Rights.
  • Remedies Enforcement Responsibilities of CMS and OIG ; Enforcement Responsibilities of OCR ; SECTION 3. CURRENT REGULATIONS AND EMTALA ENFORCEMENT MECHANISMS; Theme 1: The Lack of Adequate Data Collection; Theme 2: The Amount of Regulatory Oversight ; Theme 3: Non-punitive Methods for Hospital Reporting ; Theme 4: Following the Money ; Theme 5: Increased Training and Education ; SECTION 4. FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ; Theme 1: The Lack of Adequate Data Collection; Findings ; Recommendations ; Theme 2: The Amount of Regulatory Oversight ; Findings ; Recommendation.
  • Theme 3: Non-punitive Methods for Hospital Reporting Findings ; Recommendations ; Theme 4: Following the Money ; Findings ; Recommendation ; Theme 5: Increased Training and Education ; Findings ; Recommendations ; Theme 6: Stabilization and EMTALA ; Findings ; Recommendations ; Theme 7: Learning from Best Practices ; Findings ; Recommendations ; Theme 8: Protocols and Discharge Planning ; Findings ; Recommendations ; COMMISSIONER STATEMENTS AND REBUTTALS ; Statement of Chairman Martin R. Castro joined by Commissioner Michael Yaki ; PATIENT DUMPING.
  • Statement of Commissioner Roberta Achtenberg with the Concurrences of Chairman Martin R. Castro and Commissioner Michael Yaki Statement of Commissioner David Kladney ; The Purpose of EMTALA ; Stabilization and Discharge ; Long Wait Times and Emergency Department Closings ; Solutions: The Way Forward ; Expanding the Definition of Emergency ; The Definition of Stability ; Alternative-Destination Programs ; Establishment of Care and Discharge Protocols ; Managing Payments from the Federal Government to States and Relaxing the IMD Exclusion; Advances in Data Collection.
  • Investigation of Hospitals Conclusion ; Statement and Rebuttal of Commissioner Gail Heriot ; APPENDIX A: EMTALA RELEVANT STATUTES ; End Notes ; Chapter 2 STATEMENT OF MARILYN DAHL, DIRECTOR OF THE DIVISION OF ACUTE CARE SERVICES, SURVEY AND CERTIFICATION GROUP, CENTERS FOR MEDICARE & MEDICAID SERVICES. BRIEFING ON ''PATIENT DUMPING''∗ ; HOSPITAL OBLIGATIONS UNDER EMTALA ; Obligations of Hospitals with Emergency Departments ; Obligations of Hospitals with Specialized Capabilities ; CMS EMTALA ENFORCEMENT PROCESS