Tabla de Contenidos:
  • List of Tables; Introduction: Networks Large and Small; Section I: Antebellum Roots; 1. Matthew Mason, "Paddy vs. Paddy: Labor Unrestand Provincial Identities along the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, 1849-1851"; 2. Ken Fones-Wolf, "Caught between Revolutions: Wheeling Germans in the Civil War Era"; Section II: Niche Communities; 3. Elizabeth Cometti, "Swiss Immigration to West Virginia, 1864-1884: A Case Study"; 4. Deborah R. Weiner, "From Shtetl to Coalfield: The Migration of East European Jews to Southern West Virginia."
  • 5. Ken Fones-Wolf, "Craft, Ethnicity, and Identity: Belgian Glassworkers in West Virginia, 1898-1940"Section III: Immigrant Coal Miners; 6. Joe William Trotter Jr., "Black Migration to Southern West Virginia"; 7. Frederick A. Barkey, " 'Here Come the Boomer 'Talys': Italian Immigrants and Industrial Conflict in the Upper Kanawha Valley, 1903-1917"; 8. William B. Klaus, "Uneven Americanization: Italian Immigration to Marion County, 1900-1925"; Section IV: Representations of Ethnic Work Communities.
  • 9. Anne Kelly Knowles, "Wheeling Iron and the Welsh: A Geographical Reading of Life in the Iron Mills"10. Kenneth R. Bailey, "Strange Tongues: West Virginia and Immigrant Labor to 1920"; 11. Ronald L. Lewis, "Americanizing Immigrant Coal Miners in Northern West Virginia: Monongalia County between the World Wars"; Epilogue: Leaving West Virginia; 12. Susan Johnson, "West Virginia Rubber Workers in Akron"; About the Contributors; Index.