Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Phonological and Phonetic Considerations of Lexical Processing; Editorial page; Title page; LCC data; Table of contents; About the contributors; The integration of phonological and phonetic processing: A matter of sound judgment; The dynamic nature of the mental lexicon ; Phonological and phonetic processing as a window to dynamic lexical knowledge and processing ; Considering Second Language and bilingual processing as core phenomena ; How do speech and writing influence each other? ; The dynamics of dialect changes over time: Exemplar theory as capturing the interplay.
  • Morphology, phonology, and phonetics Toward a modality-integrated science of lexical processing ; Conclusion: The shape of the future ; References ; How robust are exemplar effects in word comprehension?; Experiment 1; Method; Participants; Materials; Procedure; Analyses; Results and Discussion; Experiment 2; Method; Participants; Materials; Procedure; Results and Discussion; Experiment 3; Method; Participants; Materials and Procedure; Analyses; Results and Discussion; Experiment 4; Method; Participants; Materials and Procedure; Results and Discussion.
  • Additional Analysis of All Experimental DataGeneral Discussion; Acknowledgments; Notes; References; Appendix; Stimuli in All Experiments; Targets; Repeated Pseudo-Word Foils; Additional Foils in Experiments 1 and 3; Pseudo-Words; Additional Foils in Experiments 2 and 4; Pseudo-Words; Repeated Existing Words; Repeated Pseudo-Words; Additional Foils in Experiment 4; Repeated Existing Words; Repeated Pseudo-Words ; Production and accent affect memory; The Present Study; Experiments 1a and 1b; Method; Design; Materials and Counterbalancing; Participants; Procedure; Results and Discussion.
  • Experiment 1aExperiment 1b; Combined Analyses; Experiment 2; Method; Design; Materials and Counterbalancing; Procedure; Results and Discussion; General Discussion; Conclusions; Acknowledgements; Notes; References; Appendix; Phonological reduction in the first part of noun compounds: A case study of early child language; Method; Results; Discussion and Conclusion; References; Appendix; The locus of the masked onset priming effect: Evidence from Korean; Method; Participants; Materials and Design; Procedure; Results; Discussion; Notes; References; Appendix.
  • The reversal of the Bären/Beeren merger in Austrian Standard GermanReversal of a Merger; From Distinction to Merger; The Polycentric Character of German; Procedure; The Data; Measuring the Bären and the Beeren Vowel; Vowel Normalization; Pillai-Scores as a Degree of Mergers; Results; General Discussion and Conclusions; Acknowledgements; Notes; References; Appendix; Corresponding Address; Asymmetric lexical access and fuzzy lexical representations in second language learners; Background; Preliminary Experimental Considerations; The Current Study; Experiments 1 and 2: Japanese.