Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Front Cover; About the Editors; Title Page ; Copyright ; Contents ; Tables and Figures ; Map; 1: Introduction: Recovering Power from Energy
  • Reconsidering the Linkages Between Energy and Development ; Introduction ; Resource Sovereignties ; Contested Powers in Latin America ; A Politics of Renewables ; Beyond National and Regional Borders ; Development, Modernity and Power ; An Anthropology of Energy? ; Critical Institutionalism ; Critical Perspectives on the Energetic State ; The Story of This Book ; Notes ; References.
  • 2: Oil Extraction and Territorial Disputes in the Maya Biosphere Reserve Post-War Guatemala ; The Political History of Mining ; Laguna Del Tigre: A Strategic Territory ; The Xan Oil Well ; Population and Land Occupation ; Interest Groups and Social Conflict ; Creating Favourable Public Opinion ; Oil Contracts to the Detriment of National Interests ; The Controversial Role of the State ; The Consequences ; Final Reflections ; Notes ; References ; Webpages ; 3: Gracias A Díos Y Al Gobierno: Electric Power Struggles in Nicaraguan Politics; Background: Nicaragua, State, Society and Electricity.
  • Electric Power to the People Changing Opportunities for Popular Protest ; Conclusion ; Notes ; References ; 4: Wind at the Margins of the State: Autonomy and Renewable Energy Development in Southern Mexico ; Oaxacan Wind Power at a Crossroads ; An Anthropology of Failure ; In the Fading Light of the Black Sun ; Capturing the Meter ; Rescuing the Land from the Wind ; On Fish and Neoliberalism ; Conclusions: Downed Windmills ; Notes ; References ; 5: Oil and Environmental Injustice in Venezuela: An Ethnographic Study of Punta Cardón; Introduction ; Before the Arrival of the Oil Company.
  • The First Contact with Oil People The Attraction of 'Black Gold'; Environmental and Social Impacts ; Dialogue of the Deaf ; Punta Cardón in the 1980s and 1990s ; Punta Cardón Today ; The Environmental Situation Today ; Diverging Epistemologies ; Memories Discarded ; Blaming the Fishermen ; The Politics of Payouts ; Punta Cardón and the Bolivarian Revolution ; Conclusion ; Notes ; References ; 6: 'Everything Moves with Fuel': Energy Politics and the Smuggling of Energy Resources ; Introduction ; Politics and Prices ; Protests and Responses ; Contraband.
  • The Social Embeddedness of Cross-Border TradeConclusions ; Notes ; References ; 7: The Continuous Negotiation of the Authority of Oil- and Gas-Dependent States: The Case of Bolivia ; The Theoretical Ground
  • Power, Institutions and Agency ; Public Policies in Countries Dependent on Non-Renewable Natural Resources ; Hydrocarbon Policy and Revenue Redistribution Mechanisms in Bolivia; The Gasolinazo and Government Justifications for Reducing Fuel Subsidies; The Violent Social Reaction to the Reduction in Fuel Subsidies ; Conclusions: Power, Sovereignty and Epistemology ; Notes ; References.