
Conquering the electron : the geniuses, visionaries, egomaniacs, and scoundrels who built our electronic age /

Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autores principales: Cheung, Derek T. (Autor), Brach, Eric (Autor)
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Lanham ; Boulder ; New York ; London : Published by Rowman & Littlefield, 2014.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Part I: Age of electromagnetism. The knowledge foundation ; The beginning ; Scientific method ; Magic of static electricity ; The battery ; Linking electricity and magnetism ; Faraday, the grand master ; Maxwell, the peerless genius ; The telegraph ; Messages transmitted via electric current ; Annihilating the time-space barrier ; Wire across the Atlantic ; Intellectual property disputes ; Morse code ; Impact ; The telephone ; Voices carried over wire ; Building the telephone business ; Patent battle of the century ; Sound of music ; Wireless telegraphy ; Hertz and the electromagnetic waves ; Marconi and the wireless ; Crossing the ocean blue ; Lighting and electrification ; Electrical lighting systems ; Generators and motors ; The AC-DC war ; Impact of electrification ; Edison, Tesla, and Siemens ; One hundred years of electromagnetism
  • Part II: Age of vacuum electronics. Current flow in a vacuum ; Cathode rays ; The electron exposed ; The puzzle of penetrative light ; The legacy of vacuum electronics ; Controlling the flow of electrons ; The Edison effect ; The vacuum diode ; The magical third electrode ; Voices across the continent ; Radio ; Christmas eve, 1904 ; Core radio technology ; RCA and Sarnoff ; Armstrong's tragedy ; Television ; Transmitting video through the air ; A farm boy from Utah and a Russian émigré ; The intellectual property battle ; Radar ; Clairvoyance ; Hunting the submarine ; The most valuable luggage ; Radio navigation ; The microwave world ; Computer ; The calculating machine ; ENIAC ; Foundation of computer architecture ; Framework for the future
  • Part III: Age of solid-state electronics. The semiconductor ; Bell Labs ; Kelly's foresight ; The unpredictable semiconductor ; The birth of the transistor ; The flamboyant genius ; Conceptualizing a solid-state triode ; Forging a better semiconductor ; Discovery of the p-n junction ; Roadblocks ; The great breakthrough ; The roll-out ... ; ... And the fight ; Shockley's last laugh ; The zeal of Teal and the élan of Pfann ; Resolution ; Launching the electronics industry ; Sharing technology ; New players ; The debut of silicon ; The transistor radio ; Japanese pioneers ; The transistor era begins ; The dawn of Silicon Valley ; Wall Street journal or physical review? ; Shockley and the traitorous eight ; The birth of venture capital ; The changing of the guard ; The integrated circuit and the chip ; Kilby and the first integrated circuit ; Hoerni and the planar process ; Noyce and the chip ; Fairchild and the Silicon Valley phenomenon ; Chip technology blossoms ; Early market for chips ; Moore's law ; Memory chips ; Microprocessor: ENIAC on a chip ; The personal computer unleashed ; Ubiquitous silicon ; Evolution of the electronics industry ; Competitors from Asia ; Computer-aided design ; The foundries of Taiwan ; Noyce, Moore and Grove ; Turning silicon into gold ; LED's, fiber optics, and liquid crystal displays ; Luminescent semiconductors ; Semiconductor lasers ; Fiber optic communications ; Liquid crystal displays ; The information age and beyond ; Putting it all together ; The information revolution ; Globalization ; Looking ahead.