Tabla de Contenidos:
  • 1. Introduction. 1.1. Problem Motivation. 1.2. Need for Integration of Perspectives and Exploratory. 1.3. Research Objectives and Questions. 1.4. Dissertation Overview
  • 2. Literature Review. 2.1. Integration Through Strategy. 2.2. AMTs: Benefits and Performance Outcomes. 2.3. Workforce Development Activities: Benefits and Performance Outcomes. 2.4. Complementary Nature of AMTs and Workforce Development Activities. 2.5. Workforce Needs: AMTs and Workforce Development Activities. 2.6. AMTs, Workforce Development Activities and Performance. 2.7. Environmental Considerations. 2.8. Conclusions
  • 3. Research Methods. 3.1. Survey Process. 3.2. Sample Selection. 3.3. Data Collection Process. 3.4. Instrument Development.