
Hellenic Religion and Christianization c. 370-529. Volume 2.

This work traces the decline of Greek religion and christianization of the Eastern Roman Empire between the death of Julian the Apostate and the legislation of Justinian the Great against paganism. It treats both urban and rural affairs, with particular emphasis on interpreting the epigraphy.

Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Trombley, Frank R.
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Leiden : BRILL, 2014.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Hellenic Religion and Christianization c. 370-529; Copyright; Dedication; Contents; Preface; Abbreviation; V. The Philoponoi of Alexandria and Hellenic Religion; 1. The Social Background of Zachariah of Mytilene's Friends; 2. Relations among the Pagan and Christian Professors and Students: Paralios of Aphrodisias; 3. Some Conversions in Alexandria; 4. Some Alexandrian Connections with Aphrodisias in the Reign of Zeno (c. 488-491); 5. The Philoponoi in Berytus and the Eradication of Magic; 6. Conclusions; VI. Aphrodisias; 1. Hellenic Religion in Society and Culture.
  • 2. Class Status and Christianization3. Christian Aphrodisias; 4. Conclusions; VII. Asia Minor; 1. Hypatius of Rufinianae and the Christianization of Rural Bithynia c. 443-446; 2. The Christianization of Phrygia c. 350-450; 3. The Territorium of Hierapolis c. 400 in Light of the Aberkios Legend; 4. The Territorium of Pessinus in Galatia Salutaris; 5. Eastern Anatolia: Cappadocia and Isauria; 6. Conclusions; VIII. Arabs and Aramaeans in the Syrian Countryside; 1. Libanius on Polytheism in the Territorium of Antioch in 386; 2. Monks and Christianization in Syria.
  • 3. Arab Polytheism in Light of the Safaitic Inscriptions4. Symeon Stylites the Elder: A Semitic View; 5. The Syrian Countryside Christianization, and the World Beyond; 6. Conclusions; IX. The Nile Valley from Canopus to Philae; 1. Shenute of Atripe and the Cults of the Middle Nile Valley; 2. The Closure of the Isis Temple at Canopus c. 487-89; 3. The Cults of Philae in the Mid-Fifth Century; 4. Christian Philae and the Synoikism of Cults; 5. Conclusions; Appendix IV: Sacrifice in Fourth-Century Oxyrhynchus; X. The Antiochene and the Apamene; 1. The Antiochene: Djebel Sim'an.
  • 2. The Antiochene: Djebel Halaqah3. The Antiochene: Djebel Barisha; 4. The Antiochene: The Orontes Basin; 5. The Antiochene: The North Slope of Djebel Riha (Djebel Zawiych); 6. The Apamene: Southern Djebel Riha; 7. The Apamene: Tarutia Emporon and Its Environs; 8. The Apamene: Central and Southern Djebel il-'Ala; 9. Conclusions; Appendix V: The ""Once God"" Inscriptions; XI: The Bostrene, Djebel Hauran and the Ledja; 1. The Bostrene; 2. Djebel Hauran; 3. The Ledja; 4. Conclusions; Appendix VI: The God of Aumos at Deir el-Leben.
  • Appendix VII: Temple Conversions and the Survival of Cult in the Early Sixth CenturyEpilogue; Bibliography; Errata & Additamenta to Part I; General Index.