Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Preface
  • Introduction
  • 1 The role and purpose of the public library
  • 1.1 Introduction
  • 1.2 Defining the public library
  • 1.3 The purposes of the public library
  • 1.4 An agency for change
  • 1.5 Freedom of information
  • 1.6 Access for all
  • 1.7 Local needs
  • 1.8 Local culture
  • 1.9 The cultural roots of the public library
  • 1.10 Libraries without walls
  • 1.11 Library buildings
  • 1.12 Resources
  • 2 The legal and financial framework
  • 2.1 Introduction
  • 2.2 The public library and government
  • 2.3 Public library legislation
  • 2.4 Funding2.5 The governance of the public library
  • 2.6 The administration of the public library
  • 2.7 Publicity and promotion
  • 3 Meeting the needs of the users
  • 3.1 Introduction
  • 3.2 Identifying potential users
  • 3.3 Analysing needs within the community
  • 3.4 Services to users
  • 3.5 Customer care
  • 3.6 User education
  • 3.7 Co-operation and resource sharing
  • 3.8 Electronic networks
  • 3.9 Access to services
  • 3.10 Library buildings
  • 4 Collection development
  • 4.1 Introduction
  • 4.2 Collection management policy
  • 4.3 Range of resources4.4 Collection development
  • 4.5 Collection maintenance principles
  • 4.6 Standards for book collections
  • 4.7 Standards for electronic information facilities
  • 4.8 Collection development programme for new libraries
  • 4.9 Acquisition and discard rates
  • 5 Human resources
  • 5.1 Introduction
  • 5.2 The skills of library staff
  • 5.3 Staff categories
  • 5.4 Ethical standards
  • 5.5 The duties of library staff
  • 5.6 Staffing levels
  • 5.7 Education of librarians
  • 5.8 Training
  • 5.9 Career development
  • 5.10 Working conditions5.11 Volunteers
  • 6 The management and marketing of public libraries
  • 6.1 Introduction
  • 6.2 Management skills
  • 6.3 Building and maintaining networks
  • 6.4 Financial management
  • 6.5 Management of library resources
  • 6.6 Staff management
  • 6.7 Planning and development of library systems
  • 6.8 The management of change
  • 6.9 Delegation
  • 6.10 Management tools
  • 6.11 Marketing and promotion
  • Appendices
  • 1 The IFLA/UNESCO Public Library Manifesto
  • 2 The Finnish Library Act 1998
  • 3 Library Service Customer Charter- Buckinghamshire County Library4 Library Building Standards â€? Ontario, Canada and Barcelona, Spain
  • Resource list
  • Index