
Biblical stories for psychotherapy and counseling : a sourcebook /

"This sourcebook applies the stories from the Hebrew Bible to current psychological issues. From the familiar to the obscure, these stories can help us understand self-esteem, loyalty and obligations, decision making, temptation, anger, morality, various disorders, family dynamics, support syst...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Schwartz, Matthew B.
Otros Autores: Kaplan, Kalman J.
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: New York : Haworth Pastoral Press, Ã2004.
Colección:Haworth religion and mental health.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • The Greek bias in medicine
  • The Greek bias in psychology and psychiatry
  • Biblical stories
  • Self-esteem: strengths, sources, disabilities, and healing. The basis of self-image : Adam and Narcissus
  • Definitions of strength : David and Goliath
  • Dealing with special gifts : Samson and Delilah
  • The source of health : Elisha and Naaman
  • The foundation of self-esteem : Saul
  • The courage to emigrate : Abraham.
  • Obligations and loyalty to self and others. Assuming responsibility for others : Jonah
  • Assuming responsibility for self : Lot's Wife
  • Singing one's own song : Miriam
  • Completing another's vision : Joshua and Moses
  • Friendship and love : David and Jonathan
  • Saving one's people: Esther
  • Making difficult decisions. Weighing abilities : Rebecca and her two sons
  • Focusing on one's main aim : Sarah and Hagar
  • Distinguishing motivations : Michal, David, and Saul
  • Two views of wisdom : Solomon and the two mothers
  • Two types of giving : Cain and Abel.
  • Commandments, oaths, parables, and temptations. Dealing with commandments : Abraham and Isaac
  • Dealing with oaths : Jephtha and his daughter
  • Communicating through parables : Nathan and David
  • Dealing with temptations : Adam and Eve
  • Rejecting temptations : Joseph and Potiphar's Wife
  • Good and bad anger. Confronting immorality : Phinehas
  • Taking revenge : Simeon and Levi
  • Misplaced mercy, misplaced violence : King Saul
  • Protecting the innocent : Moses.
  • Escaping cynicism : Hezekiah versus Rabshakeh
  • Various disorders. Overcoming eating disorders : Adam and Eve versus Erysichthon
  • Drunkenness and disrespect : Noah
  • Work versus workaholism : Adam
  • Unrealistically heavy burdens : Cain
  • Hoarding or enjoying : Manna.
  • Overcoming family problems. Forgiving deceit : Rachel and Jacob
  • Covering a family problem : Achan
  • Overcoming a bad start : David and Bathsheba
  • Wise mate selection : Rebecca, Isaac and Eliezer
  • Kindness for kindness : Boaz and Ruth
  • Parental blessings, permission, and support. Being careful with a blessing : Isaac and his sons
  • Spreading the blessing around : Joseph and his brothers
  • Supporting one's son : Hannah and Samuel
  • Reciprocity between generations : Naomi and Ruth.
  • Controlling one's daughter : Lot
  • Good and bad development. Amoral intellectualism : Balaam
  • Totalitarian utopianism : the tower of Babel
  • Acquiring wisdom : Solomon
  • Undone by ambition : Jereboam
  • Using others : Amnon
  • Recovery from misfortune, weariness, loss, and disability. Dealing with disaster : Jeremiah
  • Feeling rejected : the curser
  • Aging : Ecclesiastes
  • The experience of almost-loss : Sarah
  • Dealing with disability: Moses and Aaron
  • Knowing that life has meaning : the fugitive.
  • Suicide prevention. Recovering from weariness : Elijah
  • Feeling overwhelmed : Moses
  • Friends in need : Job
  • Abandonment : David
  • Protected regression : Jonah versus Narcissus
  • Epilogue : Freud, Oedipus, and the Hebrew Bible.