
Liminal spaces and call for praxis(ing) /

Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Otros Autores: Espinosa-Dulanto, Miryam (Editor ), Humpal, David L. (Editor ), Pitre, Leilya (Editor ), Santana, Jolanta Smolen (Editor )
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Charlotte, North Carolina : Information Age Publishing, [2013]
Colección:Curriculum and pedagogy.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Front Cover; Liminal Spaces and Call for Praxis(ing); A Volume in Curriculum and Pedagogy; Series Editor: The Curriculum and Pedagogy Group; CONTENTS; Part I: Braiding Timelines and Spaces; 1. Punk Rock Pedagogy and Transcending Invisible Borders: Dismantling Power, Privilege, and White Supremacy in an Online Environment; 2. Paulo Freire, bell hooks, and Tupac Shakur?: Examining Critical/Engaged Pedagogy Using a Hip-Hop Worldview.
  • 3. A Curricular Exploration of The Boondocks for Art Education: A Philosophical Interpretation of Black Visual Culture Through the Critical Lens of Double Consciousness4. A Search for an Alternative Curriculum and Pedagogy: The Case of the Village Institutes; 5. Tattoos of a Mexican-U.S. Border Region: Liberating Hidden Curriculum as Public Pedagogy; Part ii: Power Struggles with/in Praxis Quilting; 6. "Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be Teachers": Continuing the Work of Teacher Education and Curriculum Studies in the Current Educational Climate.
  • 7. The Common Core Standards Initiative: Implications for Marginalized Students' Success8. We Are Careful Not to Make Too Much Noise: An Infomercial Disruption; 9. Eighth Graders Opinions on Diversity Within the Science Classroom; 10. Digging, and Other Thoughtful Interventions; Part iii: Stitching/Mending Curricular "Spaces"; 11. The Complexity of Identity (Re)(De)Construction; 12. A Curricular Event-Encounter in the Borderspace(s) of the Matrixial; 13. With/In the Garden: An In-Between Space of Togetherness and Dis/Location; 14. The Curriculum That Care Forgot; Curriculum and Pedagogy.
  • Liminal Spaces and Call for Praxis(ing)Edited by; Miryam Espinosa-Dulanto North Florida Community College; David L. Humpal Independent Researcher; Leilya Pitre Louisiana State University; and; Jolanta Smolen Santana Oregon State University; Information Age Publishing, Inc.; Charlotte, North Carolina; The James T. Sears Award; Foreword; Statement of Intent; AN INTERVIEW WITH DAN MARSHALL; NOTE; Part I; Braiding Timelines and Spaces; David Humpal; Introduction; References; CHAPTER 1; Punk Rock Pedagogy and Transcending Invisible Borders.
  • Dismantling Power, Privilege, and White Supremacy in an Online EnvironmentJennifer L. Martin; Punk Rock Pedagogy and Culturally Responsive Pedagogy; 1. the recognition of race and racism in society; ; 2. a critique of the traditional Western values of objectivity and neutrality; ; 3. a reliance on the knowledge and experience of people of color in its definition and its tenants.