
The art of triage /

Thousands of patients present to emergency departments each year for medical treatment, and the first person they are greeted by is the triage nurse. The role of the triage nurse is to assess patients as they arrive and determine the priority of care. This book looks at the history of triage from th...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Edwards, Tracy Anne
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: New York : Novinka, ©2013.
Colección:Nursing-- issues, problems and challenges.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • ""THE ART OF TRIAGE""; ""THE ART OF TRIAGE""; ""Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data""; ""Contents""; ""Chapter 1: History of Triage""; ""Abstract""; ""Introduction""; ""Dominique Jean Larrey (1766-1844) / Napoleonic Wars""; ""American Civil War (1861-1865)""; ""World War I (1914-1918) / World War II (1939-1945)""; ""Korean War (1950-1953) / Vietnam War (1962 -1975)""; ""Civilian Triage""; ""References""; ""Chapter 2: Triage Systems""; ""Abstract""; ""Introduction""; ""Triage, What Is It?""; ""Australasian Triage Scale (ATS)""
  • ""Category 1- Immediately Life Threatening / Immediate""""Category 2- Imminently Life Threatening /10 Minutes""; ""Category 3 â€? Potentially Life- Threatening or Time Critical or Severe Pain-30 Minutes""; ""Category 4 â€? Potentially Life-Serious/Situational Urgency/Significant Complexity -60 Minutes""; ""Category 5 â€? Less Urgent-120 Minutes""; ""Emergency Severity Index (ESI)""; ""Decision Point A â€? ESI Level 1""; ""Decision Point B â€? ESI Level 2""; ""Decision Point C
  • ESI Level 3-4-5""; ""Decision Point D â€? ESI Level-3""; ""Emergency Severity Index (ESI) Level-1""
  • ""Emergency Severity Index (ESI) Level-2""""Emergency Severity Index (ESI)-Level 3""; ""Emergency Severity Index (ESI)-Level 4""; ""Emergency Severity Index (ESI)-Level 5""; ""Manchester Triage Scale (MTS)""; ""Life Threat""; ""Pain""; ""Haemorrhage""; ""Conscious Level""; ""Temperature""; ""Acuteness""; ""Canadian Triage and Acuity Scale (CTAS)""; ""Level I â€? Resuscitation (Blue) / Immediate""; ""Level II â€? Emergent (Red) / < 15 Minutes""; ""Level III Urgent (Yellow) / < 30 Minutes""; ""Level IV Semi-Urgent (Green) < 60 Minutes""; ""Level V Non Urgent (White) < 120 Minutes""
  • ""Attributes of a Triage Nurse""""References""; ""Chapter 3: Critical Thinking""; ""Abstract""; ""Introduction""; ""Critical Thinking â€? So What is It?""; ""References""; ""Chapter 4: Case Studies and Answers""; ""Abstract""; ""Introduction""; ""Case Studies""; ""Answers""; ""Case Study One""; ""a) What questions do you ask?""; ""b) What is your nursing diagnosis?""; ""c) What triage category do you give this patient?""; ""Case Study Two""; ""a) What questions do you ask?""; ""b) What is your nursing diagnosis?""; ""c) What triage category / score do you give this patient?""
  • ""Case Study Three""""a) What questions do you ask this patient?""; ""b) What is your nursing diagnosis?""; ""c) What is your triage priority / score?""; ""Case Study Four""; ""a) What questions do you ask?""; ""b) What is your nursing diagnosis?""; ""c) What triage category / score do you give this patient?""; ""Case Study Five""; ""a) What questions do you ask?""; ""b) What is your nursing diagnosis?""; ""c) What triage category / score do you give this patient?""; ""Case Study Six""; ""a) What questions do you ask this patient?""; ""b) What is your nursing diagnosis?""