Tabla de Contenidos:
  • ""2.11. tandrÄ«-""""2.12. á¹?-stems""; ""2.13. (Kinship) á¹?-stems""; ""2.14. (m. / f.) Ä?-/Ä«-/Å«-stems""; ""2.15. go-""; ""2.16. (n.) °as-stems""; ""2.17. (m.) °as-stems""; ""2.18. Present participles in °ant-""; ""2.19. Reduplicated and â€?aerodynamicâ€? participles""; ""2.20. mahÄ?nt-""; ""2.21. °mant-stems""; ""2.22. °an-stems""; ""2.23. (n.) ̣ºan-stems""; ""2.24. °(C)m/van-stems""; ""2.25. maghavan- / yuvan-""; ""2.26. °in-stems""; ""2.27. Comparative in °īyÄ?á¹?s-""; ""2.28. Perfect Participle""; ""2.29. ahar-""; ""2.30. path-""; ""2.31. ap-""; ""2.32. puá¹?s-""
  • ""Introduction""; ""I. Sandhi""; ""1.1. Absence of sandhi""; ""1.2. Special cases of sandhi""; ""1.3. Sandhi of pragá¹?hya-vowels""; ""1.4. Sandhi of esÌ£a(hÌ£)""; ""1.5. Sandhi of /-ar/""; ""1.6.-ai â€?- </-ai a-/""; ""1.7.-au â€?- </-au a-/""; ""1.8. Double sandhi""; ""1.9. Consonantal sandhi""; ""1.10. (Non)-cerebralisation of n and s""; ""II. The nominal system""; ""2.1. a-stems""; ""2.2. Ä?-stems""; ""2.3. i- and u-stems""; ""2.4. sakhi-""; ""2.5. pati-""; ""2.6. (f.) i- and u-stems""; ""2.7. (n.) u-stems""; ""2.8. (°)bhrű-""; ""2.9. strı-""; ""2.10. ı- and ű-stems""
  • ""2.33. anaá??uh-""""2.34. div-""; ""2.35. °han-""; ""2.36. pÅ«sÌ£an-""; ""III. Transfer of stem""; ""3.1. ºi-stem â?? ºī-stem(f.)""; ""3.2. ºi-stem â?? ºī-stem (m.)""; ""3.3. ºstem â?? ºi-stem""; ""3.4. ºin-stem â?? ºi-stem""; ""3.5. ºū-stem â?? ºū-stem(f.)""; ""3.6. ºa-stem â?? ºá¹?-stem""; ""3.7. ºÄ?-stem â?? ºá¹?-stem""; ""3.8. º(Ä?r)a-stem â?? á¹?-stem""; ""3.9. ºan-stem â?? ºa-stem""; ""3.10. º(m)a-stem â?? º(m)an-stem""; ""3.11. º(m)Ä?-stem â?? º(m)an-stem""; ""3.12. ºÄ?na-stem â?? ºan-stem""; ""3.13. ºa-stem â?? ºas-stem""
  • ""3.14. ºÄ?-stem â?? ºas-stem""""3.15. ºasa-stem â?? ºas-stem""; ""3.16. ºasÄ?-stem â?? ºas-stem""; ""3.17. ºas-stem â?? ºas-stem""; ""3.18. ºi-stem â?? ºin-stem""; ""3.19. ºi-stem â?? ºis-stem""; ""3.20. ºu-stem â?? ºus-stem""; ""3.21. ºma-/ ºva-stem â?? ºmant-/ ºvant-stem""; ""3.22. Thematicization of consonant stems""; ""IV. Pronouns""; ""4.1. Personal pronouns: First person singular""; ""4.2. Personal pronouns: Second person singular""; ""4.3. Personal pronouns: First person dual (Ä?vÄ?m as genitive)""; ""4.4. Personal pronouns: Second person dual (vÄ?m as nom.)""
  • ""4.5. Personal pronouns: First person plural""""4.6. Personal pronouns: Second person plural""; ""4.7. Three-gender pronouns""; ""V. Numerals""; ""5.1. Cardinals""; ""5.2. Ordinals""; ""VI. The Verbal System (I)""; ""6.1. The use of the voices""; ""6.2. Use of modes and tenses""; ""6.3. The verbal endings""; ""6.4. The augment""; ""6.5. Constructions with mÄ?""; ""6.6. Present classes""; ""6.7. Crossings of roots""; ""6.8. Secondary roots""; ""VII. The Verbal System (II): Aberrant forms of the individual present classes""; ""VIII. The verbal system (III): Non-present tenses and moods""